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Thomas Built His Own Stonehenge Monument
Recently my friend Alex came by my home to take a few pictures of the henge I built in the back yard. While she was here she asked if I would write a few lines about how and why I built it. I agreed to her request. But as I sit here trying to put the experience into a few lines, I find it impossible. The why is a story, the building is a story and living with it is another. But I will do my best, after all this is an article, not a novel. I stood on top of a rolling hill dressed in a white robe. In the valley below me stood a henge just like the one in my back yard, only this one was four or five times bigger. People were coming up the valley all dressed in white robes. They all assembled in the henge. They seemed to be waiting on something, but what? Then I knew, they were waiting on me. I had come quite a way to be here. There was something I needed to do and they were here to help me. As I walked into the circle person after person spoke to me. I knew everyone. We greeted each other, and talked, but I heard nothing. Not a word, but I knew what they said; we talked of life and the joy of it. Then the time came for me to do what I had come to do and it all faded away. Thomas
Thomas will write another article about his Stonehenge in our February EZine. He has so many interesting things that have happened to him to tell us. It is fascinating to explore different moments in time in ancient cultures. If anyone I have ever met has Celtic Ch'i (Cosmic Breath of God) within, it is Thomas. Being part Irish I totally feel connected to Celtic times. Join us again for the February EZine about 2/15. I know you will enjoy it. Thank you Thomas for writing for us and making us aware of the power of the forces of Nature that exist and can be harnessed with curiosity, hard work and determination. I think all of that resides within our DNA. Love that Celtic DNA... am looking forward to next month's Stonehenge story. Henge II... by ThomasTo my great pleasure Alex asked if I would write a follow up to last month’s article on the building of my backyard Henge. Last month I told you why I built the Henge, and the raising of the primary standing stones. Now I would like to give you insight into what it took to finish and live with my backyard Henge. The next day after the stone raising I realized what I thought was the end, was only the beginning of a mission that would take me years to complete.
As I walked into the circle, it spoke to me. The barriers are not set for the summoning. I realized summoning the Elements now would leave me venerable, an unacceptable situation. Elements are mid-level spirits according to abilities. Angels are good Elements, are good and bad. Demons are evil. Demons should be avoided if your sanity and your soul mean anything to you. Remember even Solomon fell.
Elements are the things of folk lore. Known by different names in other countries, we call them fairies, dwarfs and the like. They can bless your crops and make your milk cow go dry. Make you futile and steal your baby. But they are not all powerful like Angels and Demons. They can only work within their Element.
To summon any other world being without a circle, be it Angel, Element or Demon is folly. The mere presence of the beings is more than most can bear.
The first thing I did was carve an Awen (pronounced ah-o’-o-en), the three bars of light, emanating from three dots surrounded by three circles on the lentil stone. It is one more example of the ever present trilogy. Next was to build a permanent circle around the stones. An open Henge on the plains of England is fine with me; I just don't need one in my back yard.
Not being a stone mason, it was far more difficult than I thought to build the rest of the Henge. It was also labor intensive. Digging out the sod and putting in the sand base, took me several weekends. Hauling and laying the stone took several months.
Having no plan I built as I was led, ending up with three circles, two outer and one inner, with a flagstone floor. The first ring encompasses all the stones. The second ring intersected the stones; the third circled the Heel stone. My wife and I decided to add two more layers of stone on the rings. You guessed it. We made flower and herb beds. This turned out to be quite beneficial in the overall use of the Henge. When I am not using it as a magic circle the flower and herbs make a very peaceful place to sit, on one of the four stone benches inside the circle.
So the Henge turned out to be not only a “Point of Power,” but a peaceful place to sit, or have a gathering of friends. Another bonus is the neighbors don't think I am quite as crazy as they thought I was. One more thing before I end. The Henge is a powerful place. Not to be taken lightly in any respect. It is beautiful to look at, a wonderful place to sit and entertain guests. But above all it is a “Point of Power”; it is a bridge to the netherworld where dwell beings that can give you help and happiness, or steal your soul, your sanity and life itself. Magic can be fulfilling for the prudent, and a potential disaster for the uneducated or misinformed. So study well before you jump in. The water's warm, but very deep. Thomas Note: Thank you Thomas for sharing your incredible Henge journey. It is the best example of Celtic Ch'i I have seen in America. Seeing your "grand girl" helping to create an ancestral monument was a moment she will never forget. How wonderful the entire family could share the erecting of The Henge and it serve such a Point of Power for you in your heritage, and in communing with your family as they visit and socialize with each other amid The Henge. How grand they can celebrate their contribution as well. A few thoughts of ThomasWhat is real and what is psychosis? Did a Demon visit me in the fall of 1970, or did I imagine it? It was a cold day in the fall of 1970 for Dallas TX. I had gotten off early, from my construction job, so I stopped by a local convenience store for cigarettes. While I was there I picked up a copy of Stephen King’s book Salem’s Lot. The weather was bad and according to the forecast would get worse. What better way to spend a wet cold night than a horror book and a cold beer. Coming from an Assembly of God background, spirituality and the netherworld were well known to me. My father was a preacher. My mother led the singing. By sixteen I had been to more churches, listened to more preachers and seen more spiritually, than most people have seen in a lifetime. I have witnessed exorcisms, healings and life changing spiritual experiences. Heard people speak in tongues and seen the power of God completely overcome them. Unfortunately I’ve seen as many or more frauds, there are always people who have to have what other people have even if they have to fake it. The actions of these few destroy the credibility of the whole group. You have all had the same experience; be it church or coven these people usually destroy the group as one after another members fall away. The good book says (along with many other writings) we all have the ability to know and commune with the spirit world, prayer being the most common today. It also tells us there are gifts, not all have a gift and of those that do they all don’t have the same one. So the next time you come across someone claiming to have all the powers, they probably don’t have any. My parents believed every word in the Bible so the spirit world was just as real as the material world. That is how I was raised and that is what I believe, because I saw it with my own eyes and felt it to the core of my being. When the power is used by any practitioner, be it Priest or Mage for good or ill; there will be no doubt as to its validity Now back to my story before I wander too far from the topic. Great minds tend to do that you know. After dinner (supper for us more mature folks) I pulled a chair in front of the fireplace, hoping I had picked a good book. When I discovered it was about my favorite monster Vampires, I was very pleased with myself. What better monster is there for a 26 year old male than a vampire? You live forever, have a castle to do it in, run through the woods in wolf form, or fly through the night as a bat. Not to mention biting pretty young maidens on the neck. Could life or death be any better? If you have ever read a Stephen King novel you know his ability to cut through the lower and bring out the true horror of his subjects. By the time I finished the novel my romantic ideas of vampires were permanently altered. Gone was the long cape, the articulate speech and stately manor of Dracula depicted in the movies. All replaced with what would be the reality of such a creature. The horror unleashed on that town was despicable. The systematic and total destruction of human life, turning everyone into mindless parasites was something I was totally unprepared for. No glimmer or romance just the reality of unwashed evil. As I put down the book I wondered what manner of being was capable of unleashing such misery and destruction. Were even the Demons spoken of in ancient manuscripts capable of this? What sort of hatred could drive anything to do such things? As I pondered these thoughts I realized I had seen this before, on a far less dramatic scale but with the same results. People with addictions, alone and feeding off other people including their love ones. Sinking lower and lower until the only trace of humanity they have is walking on two legs and yes there are many beings in the netherworld that would do it. While I was in this state of total outrage I made probably the biggest mistake in my life. I would like to plead youthful ignorance at this point, but ignorance of the law is no excuse under any law, and my next statement broke a bunch. I said in a clear voice and with all the conviction in my body “If there is a creature in this world or the next that would do such a thing I want to see it”. Then all the emotion left me, I turned out the light and went to bed. My wife and children were already in bed, as any mother with small children knows to go to bed when they do. So I undressed in the dark and went to bed. The next five minutes were the longest and the most frightening I have ever spent. Because I got what I asked for, what materialized in my bedroom took everything but breath from me. It emanated cold, dark despair, despair so deep I didn’t want to live. I have never felt so helpless in my life. I believe to this day if I had not made it to my wife I would me dead or worse. She was all I had to hold on to, a speck of reality where none seemed to exist. Love where love didn’t exist. It stood at the end of the bed for what seemed like five minutes, but I know it was only seconds. Then it walked to my side of the bed and sat down on the bed. It was heavy, very heavy. The bed sunk down causing my body to roll in that direction. My mind was screaming “don’t look at it.” I was facing the other direction; the doorway leading to the hall was at my head. Not knowing what to do and sanity slipping away, I called on the religion I was raised in and began to rebuke the Demon, in the name of Jesus. It took several times but it worked. My mind cleared and I was no longer afraid. The best word to describe what I felt is detached. I was no longer a participant only an observer. The Demon got up and walked around the bed to the hallway door. As it entered my field of view, for I was still unable to move, I could make out its form against the dark of the night. It was darker than night. It was darkness that had never known light, it was despair. When it reached the door it illuminated itself, with a pail yellow glow, its body was physically perfect. The head was that of a long horned cow with an extended mouth and nose. Its hands were large for its body with what you might call Bear claws for nails. It was medium to light rusty red in color. As it left, it turned to face me. The eyes were black and cold. It grinned showing a mouth full of glimmering white pointed teeth, then ducked its head to get through the door and left. When it left darkness once more fell over the room. I don’t know what happened next, I think I passed out. The next day I told my wife what happened, she listened, accepted what I said as fact and told me to be careful. If I had as much confidence in myself as she does I would be a millionaire. She thought I had everything under control, but I knew who saved who. I never told her, it’s a man thing. Was it real or imagined. You be the judge, all I can do is relate as accurately as I can what happened. I can tell you what I believe. I believe I inadvertently invoked a Demon to physical form, a very risky business even with proper preparation. One more thing before I go. As you seek your religious path, never abandon your childhood belief. It is always there, like your mother’s arms. A place to run when there’s no place else to go.
Alex, about the Demon… I would like to add these few lines along with the Demon experience, to help clarify the story. What you see here are a few of the symbolic weapons used for protection. Some I bought but the sword and digger I had made from an original Bronze Age Celtic sword. The entwined snakes wand I carved from the secret oak. The other wand called me into the woods and bid me take it. I have not had it long. One thing I should have made clear in the article, I had none of these then. I knew I was different, because strange things happened to me from about my tenth year. But I had no protection or real knowledge of what had come to me. Yes I knew what it was but that was all I knew. So I fell back on my childhood beliefs to save me. I knew nothing of the power of the Word. Or the implications of emptying your emotions into that word or thought. The magic had found me but I had not found it. If I knew then what I know now I would have been prepared. Coming in April's EZine Thomas talks about the Ouija Board and his experience with it. Many of you ask me about these and the energies attached. Read what Thomas' experience was with the Ouija Board. NOTE from Alex: Should you encounter a spirit of darkness that attempts to come against you in your life on any level, disagreements caused by others at home or at work, liars, manipulators that would steal your credit at work and betray you or simply steal your reputation or destroy it at work or in your circle of friends, I, like Thomas, encourage you to immediately plead the "Blood of Jesus Christ" over your body, your soul, your spirit, and your mind. Say it 3 times for the 3 fold blessing of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If you are Chinese this would be for (1) Heaven, (2) Earth, and (3) Mankind. If you know Creator God by another name use that Holy Name that your spiritual culture defines as the most powerful Name of God to call upon for you. Repeat it 3 times for the blessing of protection. Continue to repeat whatever Holy Name you know until the spirit of darkness leaves and it WILL leave. You do not want to receive any of their negative energy influences on any level, or be susceptible to it in any way whatsoever. Certainly you do not want to be sympathetic to it and literally transfer it into your life. That is called "sympathetic magic" when you actually are open to it and it takes a hold on your life. As Thomas says "Be very careful" with these things. You will experience more harm than good if you are out of your element and "playing" with the darkness. You will not be glad. Please be aware of these presences that exist around us and protect yourself with your own Holy Names of Protection always. There are some Prayers for Exorcisms at my www.AngelAccess.com site under the Inspirations link. If you need them go to www.angelaccess.com/frm/prayers/Exorcisms1.html and also another one at www.angelaccess.com/frm/prayers/Holy_Water1.html Prayers like these do not have to be used only for possession of an evil spirit or demon. Anything that comes against you can be dealt with by using these prayers. Always be sure you send the evil BACK to its source. You don't need to name the source. God knows where it comes from. You are not sending it to a person, that way avoiding judgment of the individual, you are sending it back to where it came from. Be sure to plead the Blood of Christ over yourself several times when you use these prayers of protection. I have had dozens of people, primarily women, over the last ten years that describe a feeling of someone holding them down or choking them and there is no visible person present, yet there is a force of evil that seems to be terrorizing them, not so much in their dreams, but before they sleep or it will wake them up. Each of these people think they are the only person this has ever happened to because they know absolutely nothing about this sort of thing. They are ashamed or embarrassed and don't know what to do, feeling that somehow they have brought this into their lives. They do not open up and discuss it with anyone for fear of being thought to be "possessed by satan or demons." That is NOT true. These things attack for no particular reason and pick random people to torment. You do not have to be a bad person for this to happen to you. In fact, usually the "pure spirit", the innocent are the ones attacked. Those that have no knowledge of these events. Lately I have had several people describe this same type of event to me, much more frequently. For that reason, I feel it is necessary to make people completely aware of the forces that exist in our world that are not good and seek to harm us. I cannot stress to you enough the "Power of God that exists in spoken prayers." Even if you only have time to say the Lord's Prayer or cry out "My God, My God, My God," that will be enough to stop these assaults upon your mind, body, and spirit. Keep repeating it until it ends. Sing, clap to break up the evil spirits that may be present, recite Psalms or prayers of any kind and the "Prayer Power" will be lifted up to God for your instant deliverance from these forces. Just because this has never happened to you does not mean it cannot. Thomas was shocked his defiant invitation was immediately answered, and horrified of the feelings it brought with it. Forces of good and evil battle against each other since the beginning of time. This is not new. Ephesians 6:12: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual wickedness in the high places. The Bible suggests that we live our lives in a state of constant prayer or a prayerful attitude and that alone is the most powerful protection against the dark side. Call on the Power of God when you need it and find instant help and deliverance from all and any darkness or oppression that befalls you. You will, by joining with the Power of God, be victorious. Thoughts of Thomas: Ouija Boards WarningsHave you ever played with an Ouija board and wandered where all those strange and sometimes uncomfortably accurate answers come from?
Well, let us look at how most people use the Ouija board. It almost always starts as a parlor game, something to entertain you, or a cool way to keep a party going. Then you start to wonder, if it was right on that question then would it be right on something I really want to know? At that point the game has changed, whether you know it or not. The Ouija is no longer a game; it becomes a portal, an entrance to the netherworld, a place where deception and distortion is the rule not the exception. Truth is there, but seldom obtained easily. So I would like to relate some of my experiences with the Ouija. Take what you will, dismiss the rest as the rambling of an old man. My first experience with Ouija came at an early age from my perspective. My older sister bought a Ouija board when I was nineteen or twenty. She had seen it at a party a few days earlier, and thought it was fun so she bought one. She and my younger sister were quite good at it. I was not, it would rarely move for me, no matter who my partner was. Still I was intrigued by the mystical board, and we played until it got wild and started throwing the planchette off the board. At that point we decided it was of the Devil and quite playing. We all had a good Christian upbringing. It was thirty three years later in the winter 1997 that the Ouija and I crossed paths again in a meaningful way. By that time I was no longer in awe of the talking board. Having experienced more spiritual encounters, than anyone would have thought one person capable of surviving with their sanity, I believed I could handle whatever the board could do. I was eager to take on the board. It was a hill I had wanted to climb for some time, but as I have stated earlier Ouija won’t talk to me. We all don’t have the same talent, even simple ones. My son and his family had moved in with me and my wife while waiting on their new home to be completed, and we had been doing some past-life regressions. The results were interesting, and sometimes startling. In a way they mirrored our interests in this life. But that is another story. Past-life and out of body experiences are something we should go into in greater detail later. So back to the journey we were on. I went to that Mecca of the occult Wal-Mart and bought a talking board. It seemed like a natural extension to the path we were on. At first our sessions were no different than anyone else. The same answers I remembered from my earlier experiences. You know what I mean if you ever used the Ouija. My name is Bob or Harry etc, and then I’m your guardian Angel. Next it might try a past love one, don’t be deceived. It is more than likely something like, Asmodeus or Pleiades in all its many forms. If you’re really unlucky, it could be Beelzeboul the Prince or King of Demons. These are all names from the Grimoires (Grammars of Magic) of Solomon, (yes Solomon was quite a wizard) but there are many, many others. They are called by more than one name, according to the culture and time. They are masters of chaos, their purpose is to get your trust while keeping you confused, and to keep you coming back. If you’re not careful you will not only trust and believe you will come to depend on the board, and in this lies the danger of Ouija. I don’t remember when I realized I wasn’t bullet proof, but I know I didn’t know it then. I am not sure I know it now, because even today what’s over the next hill still deserves a look. In the old days I would charge any hill without thought of the ramifications. So I charged. After several days of lies and ambiguity I decided to take a more scientific approach. We wrote down all the questions and answers we received. From that I compiled a list of questions each of us wanted to know. We asked the same question several different ways and with different people on the planchette. Keeping close record of all the answers, some answers were consistent while others were inconsistent to one degree or another. I was sure then and still am that I was getting more truth then fiction. I began to see patterns in the answers. I could not wait to talk to the board again, I asked more than my share of questions taking more and more of other people’s time. I knew it but I couldn’t help it. The dates given matched the clothing I was wearing in my past live and out of body experiences, I knew I was close to validating my magic. Nothing else mattered to me. In so doing I drove away everyone but my wife (she didn’t like having anything to do with it) and my daughter in-law, and finally they quit. My desire ruined it for everyone and that was probably a good thing. Do you see the pattern and this is coming from someone who knows the risk? Someone who has dealt with magic for many years and should have seen it coming, but the thrust for power is strong. I know I could have gotten more answers, but that would have only led to more questions. More chances to be deceived, for you are never as smart as you think you are. To obtain power entails risk, there is no other way. When you step on this path risk becomes a way of life few will ever see. I don’t mean to frighten you, used as a game only there is no danger, but can you overcome the allure of knowing the unknown, even though it may be a lie? Would I use it again? Yes, if I could but the way is closed to me. I think God knows better than me what path should be open and which should be closed. Editor's Note: Great wisdom from Thomas. Always pray for Divine protection and guidance before doing any "games" such as Ouija. The stakes are very high and the risk far greater than any gain. NOTE: Thomas will be back next month in the May EZine to tell us his view About Gods. Thoughts of Thomas: About GodsAre there more than one God? Yes, but we should discuss their relevancy not their number and that depends on when you lived? Before your head explodes let me explain a little about Gods and their history. As you go back in time you find more and more gods. Every culture had at least one, most with dozens if not hundreds of gods. Today we have one major God, and I would like to give you a very condensed version of what I think happened to them. First you should know something about my past. I was raised Christian and I am a Druid - Mage. I have experienced many wonderful and frightening things along this path I have chosen. I have healed and hurt people, some I love in my pursuit of magic. I have seen things few will ever see and most would prefer not to see. I have seen far into my past, watched as I became who I am today. I have witnessed the very essence of existence dance from the earth into the havens and other things I do not understand. Religion also is a passion of mine; I have read many books of magic and religion in my life. All in my quest for the truth and I have come to the conclusion that I was not looking for the truth. I was looking for what I wanted the truth to be and that Magic is a different culture's religion. This does not invalidate their magic, but it made me look at magic in a different way. If Magic was a different culture's religion, what about my child hood religion, so I looked and I found the Bible was full of magic. Mostly in the Old Testament, in the New Testament it is more subtle but it is there and to me it ties all other magic and deities together in a fundamental way. By now you probably think I’m mad or delusional but hear me out. There has been a long held belief (to which I subscribe) that a God’s power is proportional to the number of worshipers it has. The winner survives while the loser fades away and this was all prophesied in the Old Testament. It tells of the existence of other Gods in Genesis 1:26 Then God said (Let us make man in our image, after our likeness) and Exodus 12:12 (I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments; I am the Lord,) and who would win in Psalm 82:6,7&8 (I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince” Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations!) I suggest you read the entire Psalm, very interesting reading. By the way who is the Most High? I know some will dismiss some of these passages, saying they are open to interpretation but I take the Bible and other translated ancient text literally, if you can’t why read the? Am I to put myself at risk on someone's interpretation? Why should I assume that they know better than I as to what I read? This might hold true on some ancient script still in arcane form but the Bible has been translated to modern language. It says what it says or it is useless. We all must agree today there is one God that almost everyone believes in. So that God won, it is realty like it or not. As to why the other Gods lost favor there are many reasons, but the main one seems apparent to me. If I had to live with the threat of me or one of my relations being sacrificed to the God or Gods, I would take any option available that would protect my family and friends. This assumption I believe is proven by the fact that the Druid religion lasted in one form or another until the seventeenth century, after they stopped human sacrifice in Roman times. While these other Gods' powers are diminished, they are no less potent. But the price required to contact one of them would be quite high if even possible, well beyond what most of us would be willing to pay. For the ones out there willing to pay the price, I doubt you will have any success. If you did explain to me how you would control one of the Old Gods, with powers far greater than that of an Angel or demon and it takes a very powerful mage to summon and control one of them. My advice to you is to take it off your things to do list. It is my belief there is one major God, with a few others that have enough worshipers to be relative but the vast majority have passed into what is known as the Old Gods. They are confined to their plane and are no longer relevant on this one and won’t be until they once again have enough followers to gain access to this plane. That seems unlikely in a society that is trying to diminish and discrete the few Gods that are left. Thomas Thoughts of Thomas: HealingIn past articles I have mentioned the healing of my daughter. I would like to give you some insight as to how this came about, and how it was accomplished. Healing has never been a part of my studies of The Art. Truth is it is a large part of my power. I think healing is more a gift than a learned talent. My father was a healer. He was a fundamental Christian pastor on a totally different path than mine. Healing is one of the gifts mentioned in the Bible, and healers have been around forever and in every culture. All this makes me think healing is probably a gift and can only be enhanced, not learned. Enhancement can only be achieved through the building of personal power and belief in yourself or your deity. Now back to the purpose of this article. I do tend to wander if you haven't noticed. First I must make this disclaimer all times and dates were according to my wife and mother of said child. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely an accident (I can’t spell coincidental). This all started in 1974 or '75 when said female child was ten or eleven years old. That was when we first noticed a slit curve in her spine. We took her to medical and chiropractor doctors, then to an orthopedic surgeon. He got her an appointment at the Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. This started a long series of treatments and surgeries. We started this journey full of optimizing that we had finally found the answer to our prayers, our daughter would be made whole. But this was just the beginning of a long journey of hope and sorrow that only a parent can understand. Let me make one thing clear before we continue this journey . If there are better people in this world than those at the Scottish Rites Hospital, I think God would take them to be with Him. We took her as soon as they had an opening, hoping they would find that what we had been told was not true, that our daughter didn't have Scoliosis. This was not the case, she not only had Scoliosis she had an advanced case for her age. First was a Milwaukee brace, (she could only remove for bathing) to hold her spine, because she was too young for surgery. It didn't work, they had to do surgery, and as soon as possible. This started me and my wife on a journey that you would not wish on anyone. It was up lifting to see the care and compassion that was administered to the children, but the innocence in the children’s eyes and the grief on the parent’s faces, will live in my memory forever. All the while trying not to show the same in my face to my child, is something no parent should have to do. Looking back on everything now the most amazing thing I saw were the mothers. If you want to see strength and self control, watch a mother protect and comfort her child to the very end. Even today I have to harden my heart to write about it. How those nurses do it day after day is beyond me. Next was the ward where she waited for her turn in the O. R. (Operating Room). Believe it or not this can take two to three days. The room was used not only for patients going to O. R. but it was also used for those coming from O. R.. It didn’t take long to notice that all that went in didn’t return. One more thing not to show on your face, as you're telling your child not to worry they do this everyday, everything will be fine and she was for awhile. Then we went through the whole thing again, two years later. After that one she was stabilized. As the years passed there were flair ups but nothing bad. She grew up, married, had two lovely children and found a great job. Life was good. Then about four years ago things started going bad. She started having pain in her back and numbness in her arms and legs. X-rays showed a gap between her spine and tail bone. The Doctor said surgery was the only option and planned surgery in three weeks. She came to us upset and crying about the surgery. This not only opened old wounds in me and her mother, it was a dagger to our hearts. I remember thinking, how much pain should this child have to take. No matter how old they get they are still your child and you want to take the pain away. After she left my wife came to me and said two words that hit me harder than anything in my life. What she said was “fix it” and walked away. I know I have been long winded but it is important for you to understand the circumstances that led to the most astonishing use of The Art I had performed to that point, certainly the most important one to me. After she left I let her words sink in and tried to get a grip on the immensity of what she had said. She had just turned everything over to me, the outcome of our daughter's life (as far as she was concerned) was in my hands, and she believed I was capable of handling it. The gravity of it all made me feel small. I started to think about all I had done in the past, things I had been proud off. They all seemed so insignificant compared to what I was facing. So I did what any red blooded American man would do, put it out of my mind up to the last minute. That minute came at 1:00 a. m. on a Monday seven hours before her pre-op X-rays. I intended to perform the rite at 12:00 a. m. twine time but my sister and her husband came over and would never leave. About 12:45 I started my ritual. Once that was completed I faced the East, raised my arms in a V pattern and opened doors in my mind I had locked years ago. I thought of the months she spent trying to compete with the other children while in a full body cast. The look in her eyes when she couldn't keep up. I watched in my mind's eye as she never gave up. Emotion started to build and a large dark circle formed. I reached deeper, opening more doors. I saw the children, the innocence in their eyes, knowing some would never leave this place, and I saw her among them. My mind screamed "Not again. It will not happen." At that moment a bright blue oval appeared in the center of the black circle. It was the most beautiful color I have ever seen and in the center was a spine. The spine was twisted and had a gap at the base. Gathering all the emotions I felt, I concentrated on the gap (at this moment you can't lose control), my total focus was on closing the gap. There was nothing in my world but the gap, my only purpose in life was closing it and I watched in euphoria as it closed. When the gap closed everything vanished I was alone in a dark living room. I was empty. I felt nothing. I cared for no one or anything, I only wanted to sleep. As I crawled into bed I told my wife it is done. Her response was "Ok." I remember nothing more. The next morning I went to work never giving a thought about what happened the night before. I don't remember when I got the news the surgery was canceled. I do know I was still not myself. It took a while to recover from the emotional drain of that night and I can't lock the doors again. I can shut them but they open just a little from time to time. Nothing is free; you have to pay for what you receive. Note from Alex: This is a phenomenal story about the Healing Thomas brought down to his daughter's spine that used all of his unconditional love, his emotions, fears, and healing skills to achieve. Love can do anything. Healing is actually achieved by sending unconditional love and thoughts for that healing to the person you love so much, as you draw it down from your Creator God source. The more pure that love is, the more powerful the healing. It is the self-less thoughts, NOT the selfish thoughts that do the healing. The Bible is full of miracles that God sent to His people and He is still doing that today. It says He works in mysterious ways. I totally find that to be true. Sometimes they seem outright bizarre. This of course is called Supernatural. Thomas believed his daughter's miracle would come. He intensely used every healing gift ability he had to summon that healing for her while at the same time feeling the pain of the emotions of all that she and his family had been through with her Scoliosis, to raise the power of the healing to its highest level. Through this he created the healing he sought for her. God allows us to use our power of our own personal Holy Spirit to do with as we please. Using the Light of God to create miracles is something He freely gives to us. Using it for the higher good, especially healing for others or ourselves, creates more Light. As Thomas said in his last line of his article about Healing... Nothing is free; you have to pay for what you receive. He knew that without this healing his daughter would lose her life as she knew it and be a prisoner of the Scoliosis, and his memories of all the suffering and sorrow she endured fueled his intensity of desire to "raise the power" for the healing; to "fix it" as his wife had requested, for their daughter. He was successful because he believed he had to be, for the sake of his child. His faith, coupled with his wife's faith, is tremendous. This is an incredible story of one man's refusal to accept the Scoliosis circumstances that existed in his daughter's body and how that would affect the rest of her life. Desperate circumstances create desperate solutions. This is one of those solutions. Think about it. What do you create? What do you need? What do your loved ones need? Your faith and the Power of God in you can do all things. Jesus told us we could do greater things when He went away and sent back the Comforter, His Holy Spirit to help us. Your miracles await you. I sincerely thank Thomas for writing this story and sharing it with us all. I want to thank his wife for her faith and complete trust in his God given abilities and the assurance she placed in those abilities with her unconditional love for him and their precious daughter and her future. I am sure you are as awestruck as I am about this story. It truly was a miracle Thomas "intended to create" and did so with the most miraculous results. Use your Holy Spirit power of God to create your own miracles. You will be amazed what God will do or help you do, as you follow your own personal faith. All of life is a Faith Walk. Start walking to those victories you desire. They are waiting for you. Godspeed. Thoughts of Thomas: Why Do I Practice Magic?Magic is as much a part of me as breathing. It has been with me most of my life; to not have it is inconceivable. I would be a ship with no rudder, lost in a storm. I didn’t ask for it, in fact I ignored it for forty something years. I know I was different but I didn’t know what it was. Being raised Christian I thought magic was of the Devil, even though I was irresponsible and wild as a March hare, I didn’t want anything to do with the Devil then and still don’t. By the age of ten if I got hurt I could will the pain away, even a broken arm I had at the skating ring. Back then you had to take a bus there and back. While there I fell and broke my arm, about two inches above my wrist. My hand was at a right angle to my arm. I pulled it back straight and asked if someone would take me home. They told me that I had to wait on the bus or call my parents. We had no phone, (yes friends most people didn’t have phones fifty four years ago) so I sat for three hours waiting for the bus, all the while willing the pain away. At seventeen I joined the Navy to see the world. Instead I found a Company Commander (Drill Sergeant) that hated me. Why I don’t know. I had always wanted an authority figure I could look up to. Anyway he hated me, I hated him. I wanted him gone, he broke his leg, he was gone, I was happy. Things like that happened to me all the time. I could go on with other stories but that would be redundant. My point is the magic has always been with me, I just refused to acknowledge it. Perhaps I was afraid, or thought I couldn’t handle the responsibility that comes with the power. I can’t say. The word dumb does come to mind from time to time but I dismiss it as highly improbably. The question still remains “Why do I practice Magic” by now you know that magic is a part of me. It runs through me in a way words cannot express. I did not ask for it but I will never give it up. From now on we will refer to magic by its proper name “The Art,” for to pursue magic is an art form. As I have said I have no choice, it was given to me at birth but I did have a choice whither or not to pursue The Art. Your question should be why, after all the warnings you gave us at the end of your articles would we want to go down that path? Now that is a very good question, even if I had to ask it for you. My answer would be... To experience The Art is to know the creation of all that is, to know you are everlasting, that the cosmos is full of great and wonderful things. Have you ever drawn down the moon to stand in a beam of light as bright as day and feel the powers of the universe fill you so full you can hardly breathe? All of this with the moon so close I thought I could touch it.
This is but one of many wonderful things I have seen or felt. Can you imagine what it is like to have a child needing an operation on her spine and your wife come to you and say “fix it” and know you can, if you get everything right? She believed in me, I could not fail her and I will not fail my readers. I have tried the good, bad and the ugly in my pursuit of The Art. It has been my experience the latter two will always cost you something. The best way to explain it is a period of very bad luck. If you chose to use The Art for power over others, it will become a double edged sword. Used to enlighten yourself and help others, it can take you beyond your wildest dreams.
I’m not opposed to anything as far as religion goes, I believe there are universal rights and wrongs. We don’t have to be told what is right, it is in our DNA. In practicing The Art as in all things, be true to yourself and you will be fine. But to not warn you of some of the pitfalls would be wrong. Something just occurred to me that I need to explain. The practice of The Art is not a religion. It has religious roots and most rituals and processes come from Solomon and Kabbalahistic teachings. They were designed to have power over the Demons, Angels and their minions to achieve their objective. This type of High Magic was practiced by organized Christians and Jews as late as the 16th and 17th centuries and may still be practiced. We know this because what few Grimoires we have come from the church in that time frame. Devil Worship Witch Craft (I’m not referring to New Age Witch Craft) and others are a religion. They get their power from Demons and there minions through worship of them and become a slave to them.
I believe in God I just refuse to be put in a box. The human mind is limitless and I intend to explore as much as I can until God takes me. Jesus said “faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain.” I’ve moved a feather. Now I’m working on a rock. Thomas Note: Please do not be alarmed by Thomas' robe. Many religious and spiritual ceremonies require that Priests, Pastors, Popes, Clergy of all kinds, and even pagans use robes to denote the seriousness of the ceremony. The tools he is holding here are "ceremonial tools" to do the work he was seeking to accomplish as in the healing of his daughter, certainly not tools of violence of any kind. IF you decide to practice Magic or the Art as Thomas calls it, be very careful and know there are often undesired results that show up. Be sure you are grounded in your Creator God and seek His wisdom above all. I appreciate Thomas' opinions and his sharing the experiences he has had. If we are not aware of what goes on in the world surrounding us, we cannot be prepared. There are all types of energies available. Make sure the ones you use are the best, most positive for you. Thank you Thomas for giving us a whole different perspective. We look forward to next month. Alex Thoughts of Thomas: Who Am I?My clan's ancestral home built in the fourteenth century Who or what I am is something I have never thought too much about. I always thought of me as a fairly regular guy. I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian family. I had a rebellious childhood, married at seventeen and raised four children. None are in jail or on the run, so I guess I was a success as a parent. I maintained a marriage for forty eight years (only by the grace of my wife), swam with the sharks and made a little money. Looking back on it all, it has been a good life. Along the way I met Alex, (1973), and we have had some stormy times in the past, but I want you to know one thing. She is as real as the sun rising in the East. What she says is what she knows to be true, it has worked for her or she would not advise you to try that path. To be asked to share some of my experiences with her readers is an honor and makes me pose and consider the other part of my life she asks me to share. The part I keep mostly to myself. The part of my life where the abnormal is the normal, where hope rules over logic and intent is reality. A place where all things are possible and you are the limiting factor. You are probably thinking, it sounds like prayer but its not. It could be Pagan but its not. How about Devil worship? No, I would never go there. As for me, I think I’m blessed with something I don’t fully understand, and probably never will. The best way to explain it is I use whatever will work at the time. How do I know what will work? The Power tells me. All I have to do is pay attention. It can come from a conversation, dream, TV show (if your not watching Dobie Gillis) or your own past experiences. Trust me in this, The Power will guide you. The other way is to throw caution to the wind and use pure emotion, as I did in the healing of my daughter. I would have opened the gates of heaven or hell to heal her, as I would for any of my children, but this is very dangerous because raw heart felt emotion can’t be controlled. It knows only purpose and ramifications be damned, whatever is in its way, will be removed. Art is also a big part of me. I love to draw and sculpture. I prefer wood and stone as a medium for my sculptures, and pencil and paper for my drawings. I have had no formal training in either but I was asked by an art gallery if they could show my sculptures. I sold all I could make from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, but after a while I became frustrated. The inspirations (and the sculptures) didn’t come as fast as they wanted, so I quit. Now I do only what I want when I want, and most of it pertains to The Art. You have seen most of them in the photographs that accompany some of my articles. As for as education I was kicked out of school in the ninth grade and had to go to another school, where I met my future wife. I went half way through the eleventh grade there and joined the Navy in 1960, married my one and only wife in '61 and all has been good (she’s looking over my shoulder), since then. I would like to give thanks to spell check. Without it you wouldn’t be able to understand a thing I have written. So now you know I’m an average guy with a less than average education, with two very uncommon talents. Art and The Art and they fit together seamlessly. In either case you only get out what you put in. In sculpture you must be able to see what you want to create inside the stone from every angle. You have to study the rock, find its flaws so they won’t interfere with what you want to create. Only then will you know what to remove to bring your creation to life. In The Art you need only substitute objective for create. You know your objective; you study the task and decide the best way to achieve it. In both cases you proceed with certainty, for doubt is the first step on the road to failure. Thomas NOTE: I have known Thomas since 1973. He is the best friend of my ex-husband that I was married to for 18 years and am still close friends with him and his entire family. Some people you never divorce because they are your family, even without a marriage. Thomas and I would get into red hot GOD arguments or rather discussions of our opinions over and over again for years. I was just so Pentecostal judgmental, and so narrow-minded on my GOD STUFF at the time. I believed at that time exactly what I was taught. I did not question it. Once I journeyed outside of what is the Pentecostal "Oneness" GOD I learned so much more and it changed everything I knew and felt about God. I only wish I had known sooner. It would have saved me lots of misunderstanding my God and my relationship with Him. God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are my GODHEAD and where I place my beliefs but I learned so much more by visiting and studying other faiths, especially the Kabbalah with Rabbi Solomon in 2001. There I learned about past life connections and "The Deal" we make with God, in Heaven, as an adult soul to come to earth and love each person in our life and bring the "LIGHT OF GOD" to them with our unconditional love. Studying Kabbalah made me understand why I had been collecting books about it for ten years and never understood why. It had to do with being a Kabbalist in a past life time and my soul kept insisting that I buy books to study it. Until I went to that first meeting I never felt a connection. After that I understood. I encourage you to seek God for yourself. Let your soul lead you and be free to follow it. It will not betray you, only take you to a higher level of wisdom to understand God, The Universe and yourself and others around you. Follow where you are led to visit and seek God with "like kind" believers so you will be welcome and "at peace" and fulfilled in your own life. You will not go wrong if you follow your own personal Holy Spirit Ch'i (the Cosmic Breath of God), within you, as it leads you to your higher self, and a greater destiny than you thought possible. God will, with your help and pure intention for change and ability to manifest, bring you to a new and better life. Many say "This is Heaven on Earth." They believe we create ALL things in our life. Why not have a Heavenly atmosphere surrounding you? It is all up to you. This is exactly what Thomas did when he manifested a new part for his daughter's spine so she would be healed and have a life that was better than all of the pain her condition had caused her. See his article on Healing he created for his daughter at http://old.powerfengshui.info/EZine/Thomas%27s%20Corner.shtml#Thomas5 Please read many other articles Thomas shares at his pages here at www.PowerFengShui.info http://old.powerfengshui.info/EZine/Thomas%27s%20Corner.shtml You will learn from each of them. We invite you back to visit us always. Alex Thoughts of Thomas: Thoughts on 2012Have you not seen the signs? The sky has been full for the last fifteen years. Comets, planet alignments, close orbits of the moon. Things that happen every few hundred or thousands of years have happened recently. Now comes twenty twelve when the earth aligns with the sun and the black hole in the center of the universe. All while there is a clash of morals, cultures and religions raging on earth. To think this is coincidence is foolishness. But to think the world will change is not. The question is what kind of world we will live in? Will the change be swift and violent or is it the beginning of a long clash of cultures that may last for years and fundamentally change the world? I don’t know the answer, but I do believe we aren’t finished. The knowledge of twenty twelve came from our ancestors, they survived the last one and we will survive this one. The human mind has conquered magic and science, and found them to be the same in quantum physics, where intent can determine outcome. My intent is to survive and experience whatever the future holds. If it is the end of all things as we know them, what a privilege it would be to see the beginning of a new cosmos, and the possibility of future intelligent life. It is my belief we will survive and continue to grow personally, and collectively as a race. To conquer not only the universe but finally see that magic and religion are just two paths to the same place, to know the mind of God. That what the collective mind wants it will receive. That intent is the foundation of the universe. If we choose to wallow in self pity we will decline but if we reach for the stars they are within our reach. Our only limits are what we put on ourselves. We were made by God and in His image and one day we will reach faith the size of a mustard seed. It is all up to us. God gave us free will; we can conquer the universe and learn its secrets, to one day be pure thought where space and time doesn’t exist, or become a dinosaur. The choice is ours to make, but I’m betting on the mustard seed. Tomorrow is full of possibilities, yesterday is only a memory but today is when we decide the future of the human race. Remember the words of a great philosopher “me”..."Wallow not in self pity or self-righteousness for they both smell funky." It has nothing to do with this article. I just thought I would share it with you. Thomas Thoughts of Thomas: Religion, Myth and RealityWe are all familiar to some extent with the creation stories in the Bible and the Babylon story of Gilgamesh and the Garden of Eden and how they seem to correspond in many ways. Some use these simulators in an attempt to discredit the Biblical account but in my opinion they are overlooking two very important points. One there were two creations of mankind, in Genesis 1:27 and 1:28. Male and female were created to have dominion over all the animals and to subdue and “replenish” the earth. Has this happened before? How do you replenish something that hasn’t been there before? Makes 2012 a little more interesting wouldn’t you think? The second creation is in Genesis 2:7. He created Adam and placed him in Eden and after a while God gave him a wife. I’ll bet that made him happy until he had to start taking out the trash. I know the creation of two (maybe more) kinds of humans is horrifying to the politically correct crowd but if you were to read a book on anthropology written before 1950, you would know there are several anatomical differences in humans. This was (is) how they track tribal movements in pre-history. Adam was more of a spiritual being as he talked to God and lived in the garden while the other people were busy having dominion over the beast of the field and subduing (civilizing) and replenishing the earth. The point I’m trying to make is they were contemporary; in fact the people outside the garden were here first. Where do you think Cain got his wife and why put a mark him as Adam and his family already knew he killed Abel. These other people had to know of the garden and more than likely tried to enter it. Tales of these attempts would have been told over and over each time growing in heroism and mysticism. I also have no doubt there is some truth in the Gilgamesh story. Something has to happen for any myth to start and it must be believable at that time to be told and retold through the centuries. The second point pertains to Abraham who no doubt brought the story of the creation with him when he left Ur. Some say because the story of Gilgamesh was written before the Old Testament that Abraham borrowed the story from the Babylonians. As I see it the only similarity of the two stories is the place where they happened. Gilgamesh is a story of an ancient hero trying to get into the garden, while the Biblical story is how Adam got kicked out. It is my opinion that both stories are rooted in truth and come to us from two different people who lived in the same region but had an entirely different ancestral history. One thing I must make clear. The Bible is a history of the Jewish people and their mysticism, (in my world magic and miracles are one and the same) not of the world and all religious text are more about religion than historical fact. Adam was the first Jew. That is what makes them the chosen people and the most envied and hated people in the world. Deep down we all know this and it makes many hate them for their special relationship with God, forgetting Jesus and His promise, that we all can have a place in God's house. So all of you out there that still hold a grudge after two thousand years give it up. It was all preordained by God and no one could have changed it. For someone to hate the Jews for Jesus’ death is to question the will of God, and what about poor Judas. He had no choice. You do have a choice you can give the hate to God, he has big shoulders. Thomas Thoughts of Thomas: Man's Place in the UniverseWhat I want to talk about today is the relationship between all living things and their environment and the only reasonable resolution for mankind I can see to the problems we face. I’ve read many books and watched every TV show on science and nature I could since I was a child. Some more than once, ask my wife if you don’t believe me. After all I’ve seen, heard, and read I have come to the conclusion that all life is parasitic. It will feed off its host (the earth) until it reaches an unsustainable number. At that point it either cuts back its population to a sustainable size quickly enough for the earth to recover or it becomes extinct. Unlike most hosts the earth is large enough to survive after the parasite either stabilizes or dies. The other thing I have come to believe there is and always will be is a balance of nature but it only lasts a short time. Nature is a pendulum that swings from feast to famine only passing through balance. The earth is in a constant state of flux, the continents move on the molten core. This causes ocean currents to change that bring drastic changes in weather patterns. The earth wobbles on its axis every twenty six thousand years that alters temperatures at the poles. Meanwhile the suns temperature osculates, every few decades; all these factors have an impact on the earth and everything on it. What I see is a world that is not exactly the same two days in a row. What we call balance is a snap shot of time that we live in. Not long ago I watched a show about The Great Barrier Reef; they were concerned about the population explosion of a certain kind of star fish. Seems the star fish were eating the coral and if something didn’t change the reef might die in a few years. This is the feast part of the equation that causes the over population. If this happens soon there won’t be enough food for all the star fish and this will cause the famine and they will start to die. They may or may not kill the entire reef but the star fish population will be drastically reduced and it will take decades for the reef to recover. Then it will happen again and again. This seems to be the way for all species, except man. We are unique. We can reason and that alone has raised us to the top of the food chain and should make it apparent we can’t stay on this earth forever. Our little blue planet is only a nursery for mankind, it is not our home. Our home is among the stars where new worlds and endless possibilities exist. Here there is only one possibility, the extinction of civilization. We are using up the earth and no amount of conservation will help; it only puts off the inevitable. We will run out of everything eventually, only to return to what we were three million years ago, simple hunter gatherers. What a waste that would be. Thomas Thoughts of Thomas: The Power of the WordBack in March I told you of my experience with a Demon or unredeemed spirit (a less threatening term); in closing I alluded to the power of the Word. After reading the article I feel I should explain the power of the Word in greater detail. Unlike the ancients the power of the word has been lost to a great extent in today’s world. Today most consider words little more than a way to communicate their wants or needs, and are far too willing to abandon them if it suits their purpose. To the ancients it was a way of life; their word was all they had. It was the business contract, the marriage license, the very essences of who and what they were. If their word was not respected, not only them but their whole family lost standing in the community. Their livelihood and perhaps their life and the lives of their family depended on the value of their word. Words convey who you are, they are a window to your soul, they also express how you feel, and feeling is the core of magic. Without feeling there is no passion, and without passion there is no magic. The first word as an art form is best exhibited in the rime or poetry. This form of speaking was widely used in the casting of magical spells, as well as entertainment. Remember the Bard a prophet or diviner of old, known for their rimes. From the rime came the hymn and the hymn also played a dual role in past societies. Druids used both the rime and the hymn in their magic, because nothing is better at toughening the core emotions than the song. They can make you feel and do things you would never feel or do in any other circumstance. Remember the last time you were at a bar alone. The emotional stimulus you get from a song is one of the best examples of the Power of the Word. A good song can impart emotions that pale those of most poets or orators. The spoken word with the right orator can also invoke emotion. A good speaker can bring even a dull subject to life, just as good music and presentation can overcome bad lyrics like “let the bodies hit the floor” and still generate great emotion. Sorry it’s just doesn’t compare to George Strait. Good speakers are able to open a channel to their core emotions and take the audience with them; their emotions merge and become one. From that moment on the speaker has control of the audience and can lead them wherever they wish, while feeding on the emotion of the crowd and them on the speaker it becomes a symbiotic relationship. Words spoken in a ritual, chant, spell or prayer must impart a special meaning to you. Words can take you deep inside yourself or out into the Cosmos. The power of the word is limitless and the power they access is limitless and in some cases it lacks feeling or emotion it knows only purpose. So no idle thoughts, when you’re dealing with the Arts, or when you’re in an emotional state of mind. Emotion is the fuel that powers the Word that is the key that unlocks the door to places and things great and wonderful and sometimes to places and things better left alone, always choose your words carefully. In The Art you must choose words that focus your thoughts on the objective and say them with passion and absolute certainty. There can be no doubt in yourself or your objective. If you waver in any way your objective will not be achieved. Failure can be a person’s greatest enemy for failure can bring doubt. Doubt in yourself or in the path you have taken. Keep it simple and work your way to the more complex. This will build your confidence and slowly push back your self doubt. Words can bring your abstract thoughts to reality, and manifest your deepest passions. They can also bring your close held fears to realty. All we are and all we aspire to be are in our words. It is how we are judged and how we will be remembered. This is the power and the curse of the word. As I have said words are a window to the soul they are also the key that opens the door to other plans. Most cultures, religions and I believe the Cosmos and all in it was spoken into existence. Basic physics tells us everything has a cause and effect. If you can explain the “cause of the first cause” I will be happy to rethink my possession. (The first cause was the explosion the effect was the Cosmos, what caused the first cause.) The power of the word was understood by our ancestors. They understood that words have meanings, and that they would be judged by their words, in this world and the next. So for them to believe that the universe was created by the word was only natural. Bear this in mind in your pursuit of all things. In the beginning there was the word and the word was God. So chose your words carefully you are not only speaking to man, you are speaking to your God. Thomas “You will know a man by what comes out of his mouth” Thoughts of Thomas: About SpellsThe normal way of thinking is that there are power words out there that you must discover. Words that will bring you power, if not control over the Cosmos. These words are out there, and you use them every day. Arcane script is just another way of writing. To cast a spell in an ancient language is impressive to the audience but adds nothing to the spell. One of many reasons not to cast a spell in an unknown language is you don’t know all the emotional ramifications of the word. Take the word love, a beautiful word with many meanings, depending on who you say it to. In five hundred years will its meaning be the same? Language evolves and meanings change. There in lies the danger; your intent may not have been the intent of the caster five hundred or a thousand years ago. The name of an ancient god or demon cannot install the same emotions in me as it did to a person contemporary to that belief. So the emotional intent and what is expected from the deities may be different. That in my opinion makes these ancient spells far too complicated and should be avoided by most practitioners of The Art. I have come to the conclusion that spells work, and you can and should make your own. The specifics are all too personal to relate acutely to anyone else. It all goes back to emotion. If you believe in your spell, and that it will achieve the desired results, It will. Anyone can use your spell if they can reproduce your emotion and intent. That is why you must write down not only the words of the spell. You have to explain the ritual you used and the state of mind you were in, and how you achieved it. It will take trial and error for someone else to achieve the desired results. To cast a spell first you have to set your frame of mind to the fact that you are going to perform a magical act. This should be accomplished with a ritual. The ritual can be as simple as what I call the word or words of meaning, or as elaborate as you wish. The casting of the spell is best described by using prayer as an example. After all prayer is only a benevolent spell. First is the evoking of your power, be it your Deity or your own personal power. Second is the historeola or purpose of the spell and sets the parameters you wish to use. Third is the closing: this is the giving over of the task to the power you invoked. If you chose to evoke a demon or something else you must be able to control it, because it doesn’t want to be there and will turn on you if it can. This is not to say you can’t cast a good spell, but with a spell you don’t have to. It can be as mean, damaging or self - serving as you like. That fact is what brings far too many to the art of magic; they only want power over other people, not power over themselves. They don’t seek power to better themselves so they can help and protect their friends and love ones, or to feel the unbelievable joy the power can bring. They use the power to try and fill a hole in themselves that cannot be filled. Some have no natural abilities and turn to the dark side to gain the power they seek, ether way they are doomed. Their own lust for power will make them vulnerable to the dark side and they will run head long into the abyss. If you are called, the power is waiting for you to release it, to nurture it, and it will guide you. It loves spiritual knowledge, feed it as you would a child and it will grow. You need only to learn the art of control and focus, control over your emotions and to focus your thoughts. The more emotional control you have the more power you control. The more focus you have the better you can project that power. Most people never achieve true control of their thoughts and they scatter them in the general direction of the objective. This approach will work for most but not all. To achieve true power you must be able to shut the world out, nothing can exist in your world but you and the objective. The emotion must be controlled (don’t let it consume you) and turned into focused intent. When you get it right you will know, because you will become an empty vessel void of all emotions. I hope this short primer on The Arts will be helpful to someone that feels the calling but doesn’t know how or they are afraid to embrace what God gave them. All abilities come from God. How it is used is up to you, but He reserved the right to judge your fruits. Thomas Remember in all your endeavors stay true to yourself. If it seems wrong to you, it is wrong for you, but not necessarily wrong for everyone. Thoughts of Thomas: The Story of Mark![]() The story of Mark is a story of a kindred soul, a soul I had known before and will know again. He was a friend and a family member, but most important he had the power. Mark was a typical late teen’s type of guy when I first met him; you were never for sure which head was in charge. (Please forgive me if you are offended. I mean no harm.) What I liked about him most was that he was straightforward and real, he was an open book. If you didn’t like the story put the book down, and I did at times through the years but I always picked it up again because I had grown to love him. You have read my stories over the past few months and must think my life is a never ending stream of one success after another. Let me tell you this is far from the truth, the failures are many and they hurt far more, than I can explain. If someone comes to me for help they have ran out of options. The real world can no longer give them any hope. This is a story of how I failed time after time to give the right advice, and held back some of what I knew, so I would not offend some members of the family. It took a while before Mark and I got to know each other well enough that we could talk freely about the Art. He was a young man full of raw power, I was twenty-five years his senior and had already walked his path. But you can always learn something from anyone with the power, and I wanted to help him if I could. We had many long talks on different subjects but they usually ended up about the Art. He was eager to learn everything he could, and I was glad to help when I could. But the gift is different in all people; his was more about predicting the future. Something I can’t do, I do get bad or good feelings about things, but he could tell if someone was coming and who it was. He like most people new to the power liked the dark side the promise of power is hard to overcome; they don’t realize the promise is empty. So I slowly steered him away from the dark side and encouraged him to pursue his talents to help himself and others. Back then we had a family party at my house almost every weekend and he was there for most of them. It was a great time in my life to be surrounded by the people I loved, and that was when I learned love was far more powerful than anything I had ever used to bring on the power. I didn’t even have to try. It filled the air and I walked around in a spiritual high the whole night. Love of your God, your family and mankind is a powerful thing. The power I get from people that love and believe in me is strong and pure. At one of the parties he seemed different, withdrawn, not his usual outgoing self. He stayed in the kitchen by himself and seemed indifferent to the party on the patio. I thought he must have had a fight with his girlfriend or parents and just needed some time. When his mood didn’t change after an hour or so I left the party to see if I could cheer him up. When I asked him what was bothering him he wouldn’t say. He just looked me in the eye and said “bless me." Now I didn’t then and never have thought I could bless anything. In fact even the use of the term “bless me” didn’t set well with me. I’m not a Pastor or Priest, not even a parishioner so I believe that leaves me out of the blessing business. I don’t believe now he meant bless in the classic since of the word, it was the only word that came close to what he needed. What he needed was energy, someone or thing had drained him. Or he used his up in some manner unknown to me. At that time I had never used that much power, and didn’t know you could. Since then I have used all of my power on several occasions. I didn’t have the experience to recognize his symptoms. If I had been I would have tried to find out more about what happened to him and perhaps I might have altered his path. To one that wouldn’t eventually lead to his early death, a widow and five fatherless children but it was not to be. I knew from earlier experiences that I could give him what he wanted. It’s a fairly easy thing to transfer energy for one person to another. But I was not experienced enough to know what he needed was someone he could trust to confide in. Someone that would not judge, only listen so he could find the answer to his problem. I didn’t know he was in love with someone that didn’t deserve his respect, much less his love. But in fairness I must say she never tried to hide what she was, she did use her beauty and personality to mask herself. But reality was there for all to see if you took the time to look. She was a lost soul always looking for acceptance and would do whatever it took to get it. I believe he knew it, but we have no control over who we love. He wanted acceptance of his powers from his parents. In this we shared the same desire but both our parents were fundamental Christians and that would never happen. We both knew it; I accepted it. I don’t know if he ever did for we grew apart as the years past. All this and undoubtedly a lot more, I don’t know, lead to (over the next ten to twelve years) a heavy chemical dependence. This and more I knew for years and said nothing. We weren't just friends, he respected me. I might have made a difference if I had spoke my mind, even if I lost him as a friend. Over the years I have wondered was I the friend he though I was. Would a true friend speak his mind even if he lost the friendship? Looking back on it I believe a friend not only should, a friend would tell it as they see it. I should have shined a light on the dark corner where he had the truth hidden, and accepted the consequence. Do I believe it would have made a difference? No because his wife can be whatever the one she’s with at the time wants, and that’s a hard thing to walk away from for anyone. Add to that the fact that he loved her made my chances of changing anything close to zero, but I should have tried. We continued to have family parties but less frequently than before, and over the next few years everyone drifted apart. But every time we had a gathering he always asks for a blessing. It’s plain to me now someone had to be draining him and it went right over my head. I had used the power for ten years or so, but I know now I knew little about the power and I was so caught up in myself I couldn't see a friend in trouble. All I saw was a chance to show my power. Self pride always leads you down the wrong path. When you are "Chosen" a great responsibility comes with the gift, you know things others don’t and you must determine what to tell and what to keep to yourself. I feel in his case I made a lot of wrong decisions. Five years ago I got a call Mark was in the hospital on life support. It seems his heart stopped for no apparent reason and he was in intensive care. After hearing the bad news my wife and I got ready to go to the hospital. My son and his wife came by and picked me and my wife up and we were at the hospital in less than an hour. When we arrived the family was gathered outside the hospital waiting to see him, the visiting hours for ICU wouldn’t be for another thirty minutes. So we gathered around some benches under some large Oak trees “so they could smoke” and talked. That’s when I learned some more about what happened to him. Seems he went to sleep and just stopped breathing. My daughter in-law and his wife wanted to know if I could help in some way, but his father was there. He is a Baptist Minister, and I didn’t want to offend him. But I had been asked to help. What was I to do...take a chance on offending his father or honor his wife and sister’s request? My talents with the Art were well known in the family so I don’t know why I felt I had to hide it, but I did. Another mistake to add to the others I keep making with Mark. When I entered his room and saw all the hoses and monitors he had, I couldn't help but wonder “as I always do” if the treatment wasn't worse than the disease. We all gathered around his bed for a few minutes, and then most withdrew leaving only me and his father. As I extended my hand to feel what I could, his father started to pray. I knew he was only trying to protect his son from something he didn’t understand, but it still bothered me. I didn’t want to compete with someone’s religion, I never do that. It only took fifteen or twenty seconds to know all there was to know, so I left the room and waited in the hall. As I waited on the others I thought about how weak he was, how little life was left in him and how calm I was. This was a good friend of mine I should feel something, but I didn’t. It wasn't long before they all came out of his room and gathered around me. I could tell by the look in there eyes (including his father’s) they expected an answer to their question about Mark, and they believed I could give it to them. The words that came out of my mouth sounded foreign and distant to me. Almost as if someone else was saying them. What I said was “There is no death here.” What I didn’t say was if he didn’t change there would be. The question that has haunted me for years is did I believe he wouldn’t change and I was trying to save the family the burden of knowing the truth. Or was I once again letting someone down because I was not sure of myself. I still don’t know for sure because we are always in a state of change, what is clear now was not yesterday. It all goes back to what you tell and what you keep to yourself. I have come to the conclusion you keep to yourself what you can’t change and what they won't or can’t accept. A year or so later he had another attack, this one left him partially disabled from a prolonged lack of oxygen, but he survived. ![]() I learned later he had been working a lot of hours and was a heavy Cocaine user. Three years ago he died of an over dose, and on his death certificate it was cardiac arrest but I knew it was from all the drugs he had and was taking at the time. What a waste of a good and caring soul, which was led astray by love that I don’t believe was ever returned in kind. But that’s just my opinion and I don’t know the whole story. I do know he had and she has more than their share of demons and she was the biggest one of his. I am looking forward to my next meeting with Mark. I hope we both do better next time. Thomas Thoughts of Thomas: Past Lives & Out of Body ExperiencesI would like to speak to you on the subject of out of body experiences. Past life regression are similar in that you visit a point in a past life but very different in how you obtain the experience. First we must consider the fact of reincarnation you can’t go back if there is no back to go to. From the very beginning of the worship of the ancestors stories of old heroes coming back to protect his people, were told around every camp fire. In the far eastern religions reincarnation was common, along with ancestral worship. The Celtics were fierce in battle because of their belief in reincarnation to die was only a new beginning. The Bible has at least one reference to reincarnation, not being a Biblical scholar I don’t know for sure if there are others. This shows there is an unbroken line of belief in reincarnation from the beginning of mankind. All this validation is to give you a base to understand the logic I used to come to what I feel was the right conclusion after having these experiences. Blind faith has never been a strong point of mine. To believe I must find a reason or historical evidence to help explain the experience. I don’t believe I’m the first person to have this experience and I must be able to rule out a deception of the mind. You have to be able to control your mind not let it trick you into believing what you want to be true. There are too many wonderful experiences out there to waste time on deceptions. Out of body experience can happen at anytime they are spontaneous and vivid, you instantly find yourself in a different place and time. It has been my experience that it is always first person, you are looking through that persons eyes. You are as you were at that point in time, you communicate with others, you understand what is being said, but you hear nothing. The emotional experience is always overwhelming you know on some level that these people are dead, but you still feel the love or friendship you had then. In every way those few moments are as real as your present life. I’ve had three of these experiences, the first was before I built the Henge. NOTE from Alex.... See Thomas' http://old.powerfengshui.info/EZine/Thomas's%20Corner.shtml Where he shares Thomas Built His Own Stone Henge Monument with us if you have not already read it. It is awesome...On a Full Moon night it is otherworldly...but that is a story for another time. My daughter came to visit from Tennessee and brought a staff for me to carve magical emblems on for a friend. I had spent most of the day working on the staff, trying to find what symbols I thought she would want. As the sun was going down I went inside to finish my work. I was setting on the couch finishing the last of the symbols and discussing family politics with my wife. When for no apparent reason I was no longer sitting in my living room but standing in a prehistoric village. It was in a small valley surrounded by rolling hills, the dwellings were half dug into the sides of the hills with an arbor to my right. Judging from my visual perception I could not have been over four or five. I walked around the village looking for someone, but I was the only one there. The village was deserted. What was I to do, I started crying. Something told me to get control of myself, and I started to try and come back to my world. Slowly that world begins to fade and this one became real again. The emotion I felt was one of total despair. When I came back to this world I was on the other side of the room crying like a baby, with my wife looking at me as if I had gone mad. I wanted to explain to her what had happened but I couldn’t stop crying. Later she told me I was saying strange words and acting quite unusual. I tried to explain as best I could what had happened, but I could only tell her what I saw. I have never been able to put into words exactly what I felt. What I can say is you will all know what I felt when it’s your turn to be a child alone in a deserted village. The second time you may have read about in my Henge story, what I would like to explain here is the way I handled the second experience verses the first. In the first I was taken by complete surprise. I had no control over what happened, I was thrown completely into another place and time. This time I recognized what was about to happen and stopped it before I slipped completely into the other world. The best way to explain it would be that one world overlaid the other. I could see both at the same time. The past life overlaid the real and was more vivid. I watched as the people gathered, spoke to some all the while telling my wife about what I was witnessing as the scene unfolded. The emotions were not as strong but still quite intense. After much thought I have came to the conclusion that the emotion I felt was not from impending doom as I thought at the time, but from the act of re-living the experience. The Third time was of my oldest daughter in a life we shared together hundreds of years ago. We both came to that conclusion about the same time, both of us seeking, using different methods and hundreds of miles apart. There were a few minor differences but most fit together quite well. In that life we lived in the Holy Lands 1300 BC. It was my first life and her second, she said we were brothers I thought we were friends but at the time I was only interested in dates not relationships. So I’ll give her that one. Several years later I was putting my notes together for my Book of Shadows (a record of my experiences and theories) and came across my notes on our earlier life together. After reading my notes I thought I should email her to make sure my memory of her experiences were correct. As I sat at the computer gathering my thoughts a strange feeling came over me as I wrote the email it started to grow. The more I wrote the stronger the feeling and I let myself slipped into the life I was asking about. He “she” was standing before me a handsome young man in his late teens. With black hair and olive skin, dressed in a short brown tunic that came to just above the knees with a sash at the waist. We were talking about what we were going to do tonight, it would be dangerous but everyone’s life was filled with danger. In our small village danger was around every corner. He “she” was very excited his movements were animated and his eyes sparkled with anticipation for what we had planned. I loved this man and he loved me. We were brothers, nothing else can explain how I felt about him. Then it was gone, I was sitting at my computer looking at my half finished email. What I was writing her about was she had said she “he” ran off and left me to die but after seeing what I saw I don’t believe it. I might have died that night, he “she” might have blamed themselves, but I don’t believe he would ever run and leave me to die. Not even if I had asked him to. I believe out of body experiences are brought on when you are in the same frame of mind or you’re doing something that triggers your subconscious to remember a similar activity in another life. My first out of body experience was one of being left alone, one of my daughters had just left her husband and I was concerned about her (family politics she was alone), and I was carving ancient Celtic symbols. The next thing I new I was alone in a prehistoric village. The second one was after I had finished raising the standing stones for my Henge. Something I have always wanted. That evening I went to a time where I not only had a real Henge but I was the Druid, the wise man of the people. Third one was when I was writing to my daughter about her “him” causing my death, I was shown what our relationship was at that time. To let us both know it was not her fault. She didn’t intentionally leave me, and she never will. Our lives will cross again and again, just as my wife and I have found each other in the past and will in the future. When your soul bonds with another you seek it out, it may take a thousand years but it will happen. My belief is, we all are capable of having out of body experiences but few ever will. Because it doesn’t fit their belief system, in most peoples system there is no back to go to. Their minds will not tolerate such an experience, because it endangers their belief system. As for myself I’m open to anything the Cosmos sends my way as long as it’s not from the dark side. I’ve played there some in my youth and found they don’t play fair. Soon we will speak of Past Life Regression. Thomas Thoughts of Thomas: Past Life RegressionsI would like to speak of Past Life Regressions, the act of putting yourself in a past life as opposed to out of body experiences. A spontaneous regression brought about by some event or mind set that you don't control. Past life regression is a purposeful act to achieve a desired result. Your intent is to go to a past life, the where and when is what you don't control. As a disclaimer I must say I have read books to the contrary but that has not been my experience. I have never gone to the same place twice. It may be just me, you might be able to return to the same place over and over. As of now I haven't and there is one place and time I really want to visit again, and there's one I never want to see again. Feeling the life leaving your body from a mortal wound, unable to raise your head out of the mud and rain, we had lost the battle and no quarter was given. There are some things you don't want to relive again and again. You must understand the further back you go in time the more barbaric the people are. It's not like the movies. There are no villages with pretty young ladies dancing and wise old men willing to tell you the secrets of life. Times were hard and trust was in short supply. What I'm telling you is that if you end up in a place that you are not a member of the town or village you visit you may not be treated kindly. Not all past live regressions are pleasant but they are all thought provoking and some will give you insight into your path through this incarnation. So don't expect to end up under the tree of knowledge in a field of flowers. Incarnation is something we must discuss before we go any further. Is there a "back" to go to? Are we simply a product of our parents DNA with no everlasting energy? If that is the case then there is no "back" and all religion and the Arts are figments of our imagination, made up to give us hope that there is more than this short existence, but we are electrical chemical beings. We produce energy. We may be at rest (potential) but we cannot be destroyed. So why make a new one every time when you have one in the cooler. Makes sense to me. One more thing on this subject I learned with the Talking Board reincarnation is a random occurrence, there seems to be no pattern as to the number of years between lives and some are new souls with no past lives. In my family my oldest daughter is the oldest soul, I'm second, my wife and youngest daughter are third, my son is fourth with one past life. Stephanie my second daughter, she is the one I wrote about is a new soul. So if past life regression doesn't work for you, you may not have a past to go to. NOTE from Alex.... Read Thomas' amazing story of Healing Stephanie at http://old.powerfengshui.info/EZine/Thomas%27s%20Corner.shtml#Thomas5 It is supernatural and REAL. Each of us has this "Power of God" within us. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Will we use it? Judgement Day will tell the story. I have had quite a few regressions in my studies of the Art, some good, others bad, but most were somewhere in the middle. Most of my regressions seem to have been in Euro-Asia and the Middle East but all but one of my out of body experiences have been in the British Isles. Don't ask me why I can only say that to practice the Art you must first come to realization that there are always more questions than answers. Past Life Regression can be done in a number of ways. There are books, CDs, or the help of a medium, they all work, so pick what best suits you. They all are a type of hypnosis, breaking the mind's tie to the body, to free it from reality, so it can unlock doors long shut to remember things long forgotten, so you can see in your mind's eye what made you what you are today. My advice is don't look for the golden nugget. Enjoy the ride. If the nugget is there you will know it, for it will shine like a diamond in a goat's body part. I had that moment the third or fourth regression. (it's the one I want to go back to) I was walking through the desert somewhere. As I walked I took notice of my dress, I was wearing a tan robe and sandals. I was aware of the ever present danger to a lone traveler but I gave it no thought there was something I had to do. The trail turned into a dry wash where it ran beside a dry stream bed and I began to climb. When I exited the wash there was a walled city two or three hundred yards wide. I was impressed on one level by it's grandeur but it was familiar to me in this incarnation. As I walked through the city gates my mind was filled with anticipation of the meeting awaiting me. I entered through the main gates to find myself on a street about twenty feet wide lined with shops of all sorts on both sides that led to the center of the city. I walked with a purpose paying little notice to the people around me. After a while I started to notice everyone looked away as I passed. On one level it was understandable, on another it wasn't. When I reached the center of the city I found myself in a fairly small circle no more than forty feet with a fountain in the center. On the far side of the fountain sat a soldier on a beautiful brown horse. Judging by his scale mail armor and the short sword he wore, this was the Middle Iron Age. He turned and looked at me for a second, reared his horse and galloped off to my left. That was when I realized these people hated and feared me. I also knew they meant nothing to me. I could take their life any time I chose and it would mean no more than the swatting of a fly. The power was all I sought and anything in my way was expendable and the pursuit of the power was why I was here. I circled the fountain to my right and entered a building on the other side. It was a large establishment for the times, more a hotel and bar/restaurant. I took a seat at a table to my left to wait for whoever it was I was waiting for. Someone brought me a stein of something. I don't know what for, I never drank it. As I sat there I became more and more concerned who should have been here when I arrived, something wasn't right. I sat there a few more minutes and decided I must leave, then as now I am not a patient person. As I rose to leave I tossed a coin on the table and made my way to the back of the inn. In the inn as on the street everyone moved out of my way and they all turned their heads as I passed. I paid no heed to the people as I made my way to a heavy wooden door at the back of the Inn. I opened the door and stepped through letting the door close behind me to find myself on a small landing with a long staircase leading down. The only light came from the bottom of the stairs. It was the light of many candles. I paused a moment to let my eyes adjust and started down. I had been here many times before and knew the place well, so I started down. At the bottom I found myself in a long passageway with rooms alternating on each side, this was where the light was coming from. Each door emanated a warm bright light. I wanted to know what was in these rooms, to study each one and preserve it in memory so I might reproduce it. But this was not why my present incarnation was here. He was here because it was the fastest way out of the city. Something was wrong, terribly wrong, they should have been here. He was in a hurry to leave the city and I didn't know why or where he was going. Regressions to me is like walking into the middle of a movie watching a scene and leaving/ It's impossible to know the whole story. It is my opinion the story doesn't matter so don't get caught up in it. There is something in the scene that will help you on some level. It may not be what you're looking for at the time but there's something there for you. So write it down in great detail as soon as possible. You will be surprised at the clarity this simple act can bring. As we walked down the hall I glanced in the rooms as we passed. A few things were the same in all the rooms. They were all about 10' X 10'. They all had a Altar half the width of the room, on the back wall. (The Altars were like a low bench about a foot tall.) On the Altars there were five white candles. Three were about a foot tall, two about 6 inches, the tallest were on each end and in the middle the smaller ones were between them. All the candles were about three inches in diameter. The other thing they all had was the floor, covered in a layer of smooth white sand (as if no one had entered the room) and the large white candles. The difference was the patterns of the candles on the floor. Each room had a different Tattvas symbol of the elements (that is the system I use today but not then), the square, the circle, the triangle and crescent. The patterns all started with a single candle in the middle of the room. Around it the symbol is formed about a foot away and repeated every foot, when the symbol reached the wall they used what part of it that would fit, until the room was filled with candles. In the fifth and final room was a pentagram, the five pointed star, while the other rooms were inspiring to look at and energy flowed in abundance, somehow this room was different. All the qualities and energies of the other rooms were there but there was something more. I wouldn't call it sinister but it defiantly wasn't warm and fuzzy. My partner in this incarnation hurried me quickly down the passageway into the light and heat of the day. There he stopped and looked back at the walled city we had traveled so long to reach. I was surprised how far down the hill we were, then I felt something in my host and he turned around and started down the hill. That was where we parted company and I returned to my bed in suburbia USA. It had been quite a ride. At that time I didn't know what to make of the experience. I now believe it showed me the path I would take, the symbols I would use, and the one to be very careful with. Because without a good heart and a clear head you can't see the dangers when you play too close to the fire, and the ruled becomes the ruler. My advice to you is, if you want to try it by all means do so. It can run the gambit of visual and emotional experiences. My only advice is keep a life line with you, never surrender total control and become so emerged you can't get out. No one can see what you see or feel what you feel. So always be able to leave when you want to. Thomas Regression is like a box chocolates.
Thoughts of Thomas: Was that a SignHow many times have you seen something and thought, “that was weird” or asked someone “did you see that”. It has happened to all of us and some of them may have been a Sign. I today's world we no longer pay attention to the natural world and out of place things (if we can even recognize them) are given only a moment's thought. The beginning of the end of spirituality started in the Sixty's' as science and humanism started to take the place in more people's life's, that was previously filed by religion. It's an easier path to believe in nothing, as opposed to having to live up to something. I realize that in the sixty's drug cultures they thought they were having spiritual experiences as the fried their brains on LSD. But there is a big difference in being out of your mind and opening your mind. To embrace all the possibilities that is out there waiting to be rediscovered, that has been lost to us by the passing of time and religious purification. After we went to the moon (yes we really did go) I remember people saying “there is no God, we went to heaven and God wasn't there” now statements like that should make you wonder about the sanity of the Baby Boomer generation. That are now running most of the world, with what few neurons that are still connected in their brains after the sixty's drug culture. I am a member of that generation and have always said “if the world survives my generation there maybe some hope for mankind”. If you don't believe me look at the governments of the world, all ran by old men and women in their sixties and seventies looking for Heaven on earth. That's because they lost all their spirituality, they believe they have no place to go when they die, and their running out of time. Thank you, for allowing me to express my disdain of my generation, a generation that I believe has separated so many people from their God and spirituality it's self. What greater crime is there than stealing the souls of generations? I don't feel much different about organized religion, because anytime one can control the many most of the time no good comes from it. Remember the Catholic Church of the dark ages and the Protestant Church of the sixteenth century. They were ran be men to control the masses not to teach the word of God, and their word was law, we can never let that happen again, just as we can't let a secular group dominate us. We must be free to walk whatever path we chose. Now back to the subject; I have told you before I do tend to wonder off at times, this time I may have galloped a bit but I'm back now. But it’s really not my fault, if you hadn't brought up religious and spiritual freedom and how it's been under attack for the last forty years. I wouldn't have lost my cool and ran my head like I did. With your permission I will continue on with our discussion about Signs. A sign is rarely a supernatural experience; like an angle or whatever appearing with flaming sword to block your way, from certain doom. That would be nice but my advice is you shouldn't expect it. Those types of occurrences have been documented in the Bible and other ancient scrip but they only occur every five hundred to a thousand years, and they generally pertain to the saving of a nation. So unless you're with CIA I would be looking for the more subtle approach. A sign is normally a natural occurrence in an unnatural setting. I live in north Texas to see Robins in winter or spring is normal, but to see one in July is odd. That in itself doesn't make it a sign, just very unusual. Unusual things like this happen all the time, so all odd things or not necessarily a Sign for you, though it could be for someone else, and you are just a witness. Or it's a robin that likes one hundred degree weather. I guess that could happen, maybe, though it's not likely. A Sign is when you see something natural in an unnatural setting that touches you on some level. The harder the touch the more important the message, your power will tell you what to do. Don't let logic rule you, do what the power says. It doesn't have to make sense, and most of the time it doesn't and the message is for you and you alone. You may save or help others by saving or helping yourself but to the power that means nothing. The message was sent to you. Let me tell you of a Sign that was sent to me a day or two after Christmas two years ago. I needed some supplies and all the metaphysical shops I usually visited had closed shop. But a friend had told me of another one that had just opened on the south side of Dallas. She gave me general directions for she had never been there herself. Being familiar with that part of town. I felt confident I would have no problem finding it. So my wife and I set off to find the shop, it started off well but went downhill quickly. We couldn't find the shop in the area she told me, so we widened our search, but found nothing. The longer we searched the more questionable it became as to where we should look next. I wanted to go back over the area we had already looked and she wanted to widen the search. She never called me an A--H---she's a lady but after forty eight years together you know what they are thinking' As we were driving down a side street with homes on both sides and cars parallel parked randomly on either side of the street. A young boy caught my eye as he ran from a parked car to the house the car was parked in front of, and then a balloon came from under the car and floated across the road. It floated about four feet high and disappeared on the other side of the street. My first thought was it's a left over balloon from a Christmas party the boy was after, but the balloon was black. It gave me a sick feeling; every part of me was telling me something wasn't right. The more we drove around the area the stronger the feeling, so I told my wife to go home now, we have to leave. She looked at me a second, then turned toward home. After we were on the interstate headed home she asked me what was wrong. I told her what I had seen and how it made me feel. That's when she told me she didn't see any of what I saw and she was driving. We have been together most of our lives and she is a good Christian lady, but when I say something with passion that makes little or no since she never asks why, she follows my directions. She knows I would never do anything to hurt her, she trusts me to take care of the thing she knows are there but would prefer not to deal with. I still don't know what was wrong, whether the danger was at the shop, or on the way to the shop. I can tell you the whole area felt dangerous to me; I didn't feel normal until we were on the interstate headed home. The further away we were the better I felt, and I haven't been back. Not all signs are warnings of bad things coming your way; some of mine lead me to a greater understanding of the power. Sometimes they lead me to things I wouldn't have found on my own. If you pay attention to what you see and what you feel the power will not fail you, you don't have to be a practitioner of the Art. If something unusual causes you more than a passing thought don't dismiss it, follow your gut feelings. Guts are smarter than their given credit Thomas
Thomas on the ArtMost if not all people think of the Arts as something to be either feared or revered. Depending on their point of view, my point of view is that you need a great deal of “respect”, when dealing with the Arts but I reserve reverence for God. In magic you’re never quite sure what you’re working with. It could be any of a number of entities from an element to one of the Arch Angels unless you specifically call one of many minions. That's assuming you are not evoking an unredeemed spirit, more commonly known as Demons. To do that you must first call protective Angels and have the proper weapons. To do either is beyond most people's ability, financially or minutely. To call the Angels you need for that demon (only certain Angels can be used with certain Demons) can take days to set up each Angel, for they can only be called at certain hours of the day or night. Your weapons are everything you use from your robe to your incense and they all vary, depending on who you call and they can take years to acquire. The blood of a white Ass is hard to find at Wal-Mart but was readily available in the ancient world. What we find almost impossible to find was available in most markets a thousand years in the past. Another thing, time is very important; day and night have twelve hours each regardless of the length of the day or night. Time is measured from sun up to sun down. So 2am is not 2am on your watch, and you can get it wrong if you do, it won’t work, and you have spent weeks for nothing. One more thing you must have one of the Grimoires. You can't make it up. The longest spell I know takes eighteen months to complete. Can you hang around the house that long? There are volumes more that I could say on this subject but this is all I will say; if you walk here you walk alone. I only said what I did so you will understand I know the fear side most people have of the Art. I'm not here to talk of that side, not because it’s bad or evil I won’t discuss it because it can be used as a means of control. It gives you control of a demon that can give you control over another person and that always ends up badly. I have known people in my life that used this sort of power they said, to keep their children safe. But at some point the person begins to understand something is wrong and they will lash out. I don't believe they consciously understand who the oppressor is but they seem to always pick the right one and what they are trying to save the person from is only exaggerated. When you try to control another for whatever reason, you break the fundamental law of trust and trust is the foundation that all relationships are built on. Be it parental, marriage or professional, losing someone's trust is to lose that person forever. If you want to have that kind of power you will have to search it out yourself. The use of this part of the Art is commonly known as Gray or High Magic, it uses a Demon to fulfill a benevolent endeavor that usually is but doesn't have to be beneficial to you. You need the Angels because a Demon doesn't like doing benevolent things. This type of magic was and probably is practiced today, by the Catholic Church and by some Rabbis. It all came from Moses and Solomon, with a little Greek and Egyptian magic mixed in. Did you know the Voodoo Doll came from the old kingdom of enchanted Egypt? There really is nothing new under the sun. High Magic is the Art of making bad things do your bidding with God’s protection. If you think you’re smart enough and talented enough to take this path the way is open to you but I will not help. By the way have you ever wondered why it takes a Demon to control something on this plane? Just a little something for you to think about. According to legend Solomon used this type of magic but I don't think I'm as smart or devoted as Solomon was, so I don't. Another form of the Art is called Black Magic. This is the most destructive type of magic to the practitioner. It's like Gray Magic but you don't have Angels to protect you and you embrace the gentility you evoke and accept its offer. The rewards can be great but the price is high. I'll make it simple, it’s like winning a marathon, something you've wanted and trained for all your life and your next step after the finish line you fall into the abyss. Anyone taking this path deserves the fruits of their labor. I must admit I have tried High Magic in the past without all the proper weapons and Grimoires as I thought my personal power sufficient to make up for what I lacked and Black Magic once by accident. I can tell you the outcome was far from pleasant. I practice White Magic by pure accident. It was not my intent; it just turned out that way. I wanted to be a Preacher but one thing led to another and here I stand somewhere between Christianity and all the rest. Regardless of what you think I'm a God fearing person. Where I differ from most is the giving over of all spiritual power to the church. I could not sit in a pew and be feed what the spiritual world is, when every part of me was crying there's more. I found this unacceptable; if there was more I wanted to know. I don't remember when I started this journey but I do know it’s far from over. I would never suggest anyone should give up their childhood beliefs. In fact I believe you need them to fall back on from time to time, as you embrace the other possibilities. When one runs too far or too fast, it's good to have something to fall back on. I've used it more than once and in my life. I don't believe my child hood belief is wrong, just incomplete. I know now there is much more out there than I was taught. Sometimes your encounters are great and wonderful while others are quite upsetting but all are enlightening and some of their meaning will take time to be revealed. I mostly invoke the Elements. Before you discount my choice you should know I'm not looking for God and I'm aware of the scriptures that proclaim that God is not in the Elements. The fact that you cannot seek God through the Elements does not diminish the power of the Elements. To think someone would seek God by calling The Fire Drake of the South seems a little bizarre to me, but people have believed stranger things. There is something we should discuss and that is how the secular among us attack the spiritual. First you must realize they believe in nothing, because to believe in anything is to put restrictions on your behavior. This is unacceptable to them so they give everything they don't like or can't explain a scientific name and dismiss it as a syndrome. So all of you out there with spiritual talents or beliefs, you are according to them crazy. I find that quite liberating because a crazy person can't be held accountable for their actions. It would be nice if God saw it that way but I don't believe He'll buy it, so crazy or not you are still responsible for your actions. My use of Angels, Elements or Ancestors (all are minions I use) has nothing to do with my relationship with my God, for I separate the way I feel about them. It is very easy to get caught up in your experience and misunderstand your feelings and feel reverence toward them. This is a bad mistake, one I made myself and a very understandable one. For their mere presence is a wonder to behold and the power they have is greater than anything most of us have ever experienced. That is when you control your mind and give the proper "respect" they deserve but you never give reverence to anything but your God. Minions can be very powerful and capable of great things but they are not God, so keep the two separate or you will find yourself following a false God that doesn't care about your best interest. There will be no happy ending. It doesn't matter what path you travel or what entity you use, you must always keep the proper perspective. You only show the amount of respect that entity deserves, no more or less. Keeping the proper perspective not only allows you to keep control of whatever it is you are dealing with, it also keeps you grounded in reality. Never get caught up in yourself because what you are dealing with deserves respect for a reason and very few are benevolent. The reason you don't revere it, is the same reason that it demands respect. If you are able to summon anything you are in a very small group, you are gifted, one of those mentioned in the Bible that have the ability to touch the nether world on some level. According to the Scriptures each of the chosen will receive a different gift and no one will receive all the gifts. So your gift comes from your God. Now you should ask what about all the people that had these powers before the Day of Pentecost. I believe what happened on that day was a way to legitimize in a new religion, the ways of the past. Because all of the gifts were known in the old religions, think of the powers of Moses, Joseph and Solomon not to mention the priest of Egypt whose powers almost matched those of Moses. Think back on that passage where it told of the gifts but it never said you had to be Christian to receive them. I believe you are born with it, it may take some nurturing or an emotional shock to get it out but it’s always been there. History is written by the winners of the wars. We know who won but I've often wondered how many draws there were. We haven't even discussed the prophets and wise men and women of all the old religions. All of these men and women had similar powers that were proclaimed on that day. Don't think I want to impugn what happened that day in any way but I must make all the bits and pieces fit together in my mind. I take nothing for granted just because it’s written in a book, men write books, and God speaks to your heart. I believe the Bible is not only the history of the evolution of the Judo Christian religion, it is the only account we have of the war between the ancient Gods and yes the Bible speaks to me. I believe organized religion is God’s way to civilize a barbaric animal that was made in "our likeness". Man believes he subverts religion for his own purposes but I believe God is guiding mankind to a certain place and time. Is it Dec. 21st 2012? How should I know? Jesus said "only The Father knows the day and hour" if He didn't know how would anyone know? I do believe 2012 is a turning point in mankind's path but I don't know what it is, not just because of the Maya calendar. It is the political mood of the civilized world. If you hate yourself you can't stand and there's only two ways anything move, that's forward or backwards. I think that's a choice we will make soon. I'm not here to talk politics. It's the only subject more divisive than The Art. What I'm here to tell you is that if you have one of the gifts embrace it, you are not Devil possessed or evil. It also doesn't make you a Saint or one of God’s chosen. It makes you one of the gifted, what other category you fit in is up to you. Thomas Fear not what God has given you. Fear self pride.
Harry Potter and the Art, According to ThomasI would think most of you if not all have seen at least one Harry Potter movie. I have seen them all more than once and from time to time I feel a desire to watch at least one of them again. It's not only the classic story line we find in all movies, or books of the triumph of good over evil it's something deeper. Some truth was there but I couldn't get a handle on it until tonight, when it all became clear. All the children at Hogwarts went thought the same training; some were like Hermione that knew the book inside and out. Others no matter how hard they tried it always turned out wrong and a few were always the ass no matter how hard they tried. Longbottom should come to mind. Harry was not only a good (not great) student of magic but he felt it in his heart. With that he was able to achieve what he needed to. When times were tough he could pull the rabbit out of the hat. He not only knew magic he felt magic, he had no need to remember what spell to cast, it was automatic. It came from his gut; remember what I told you about your gut feelings, their seldom wrong. The other thing he used was emotion; he and I are alike in both respects. When I healed my daughter I used raw emotion. I didn't have a clue about how to heal her I only knew I had to. As I cast the circle I started remembering all the parents and children, the Nurses and Doctors. As the dark circle started to form I remembered their eyes (a window to your soul) from the Doctors and Nurses their words always gave you hope but their eyes held little. The parent’s eyes were full of hope and fear as they held their children suffering from all kinds of debilitating defects. I'm sure my eyes looked the same. But the eyes of the children pulled my heart from my chest. The innocence in most and the fear in others is something I will never forget, as they held tight to their mothers and my daughter was one of them. That's when my mind screamed "not again it will not happen" and the healing began. I poured everything I had into her healing. I didn't just use the love my wife and I felt for our daughter, I brought back the hundreds of eyes I had seen. I relived the fear, despair and unwavering love of all the parents, the innocence of the children and gathered it to myself. That's when you must control your emotion and focus your thoughts to achieve the desired results. That's harder than you think, when all you want to do is fall on your knees and cry like a baby. You may have been wondering why I waited so long before I healed my daughter. The truth is I was afraid, deathly afraid I would fail and had been since my wife asked me to "fix it". I know I told you not to doubt yourself but I'm human and had never done anything of that magnitude in my life. So I set a trap for myself, if I had tried earlier and failed I would have had another chance and probably more failures and I would begin to doubt myself. That's why I waited until the last minute because the only option I had was success. I was out of time. By now you’re asking what this has got to do with Harry Potter. Well allow me to explain, the people of Hogwarts were the only family Harry ever had and he would do whatever it took to protect them. That is why he prevailed over things far more powerful. He used what he had and the fear of what would happen if he failed, together they allowed him to do more than he was able to do on his own. So the next time you watch Harry Potter don't see a boy always getting himself in over his head. See a person willing to overcome anything for the ones he loves, even though he doesn't know how. If you chose to pursue The Arts you will sooner or later find yourself in a similar situation. Will you take hold of the fear and pain and turn it into intent, or will you let your emotions rule you? One can never be sure until the time comes to pull the rabbit out of the hat. Thomas
Thoughts of Thomas: AvatarI watched the movie (http://www.avatarmovie.com/) a few weeks ago and the cinematography was so good I have watched it four times. I should admit I had to over look the political side, something I have decided I must do if I want to watch any movie. There's nothing I hate worse than some director trying to make a political point, when all I want is to be entertained. I don't care if their right middle or left, just entertain me. Now that I've got that off my chest, let’s discuss Avatars. In Hinduism "Avatar" is Sanskrit for "Decent" from Heaven. In English it's loosely translated as "incarnation" but a closer description would be "appearance" or "manifestation" of a deity. So says Wikipedia.org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar_ (2009_film) in the west it would be called invoking or evoking an entity. So says Thomas. Funny how all religions and Art's fit together, given the right perspective. I must admit I hadn't heard of Avatars before the movie came out. Now it is being used in commercials on TV and I've heard it associated with everything from being an ally to a dream body and astral projection. Obviously they have never used astral projection much less produced a dream body. For neither are like the movie, the dream body is closest. I have made a dream body, it took months. The path is very perilous and the months of no real rest begins to take a toll on you and I never could manifest a body on this plane. In the movie it was a man made vessel, made from the DNA of two species. It had the appearance of one species but had no personality. It was an empty vessel that had to be filled by the other species. When this was done it became whole, the two became one and started to evolve into a new and altogether different being. It had the appearance and physical abilities of one, with the memories and values of the other. The vessel was given a spirit. A dream body is totally different. It is solely dependent on the dreamer and cannot exist in any form without you. It made quite a spectacular and moving movie to see someone from a far more advanced culture, appreciate and help save a more primitive one. It is a great story line and one I always fall for but it has little to do with reality. In the end it really didn't matter how good, caring or in tune with nature they were. It was a matter of power. Power won the day. Good seldom has the power to win except in the "Movies". It was a good movie but that's all it was, a movie, just a few minutes of fantasy. To romanticize about the old days where life was simpler and your contact with your God was a daily occurrence is so appealing. I do find the idea romantic and appealing as I watch it on my 65 inch big screen TV, in HD with HDMI on Blue Ray in my air conditioned home. As much as we should revere the past we should not be held back by it. Change is a natural accuracy. I believe Darwin proved that to stand still is to die, to change is to live. I believe all change is good although some take more time than others to be reviled but we will either prosper or learn from any change. All the above is well and good but what I would like to bring to your attention is something that I believe is the most important point of the movie. It was the interconnection of all living things along with the elements. They all worked as one to prevail over the threat to their way of life. The degree that it was portrayed in the movie was again fantasy but its existence is very real. The power of Air, Fire, Water and Earth has been a staple of the Arts since man crawled from the chaos that was creation. The affection one feels for all living things and the power it brings is in us all, not just the gifted, because life loves life in any form. We mourn the loss of a life and celebrate the birth of a new life. It's why we love spring, the giver of life and a time of renewal of all things. What better reminder of creation than spring when life once again comes to the earth. The powers that arose out of chaos fill the air around us with an energy waiting to be tapped, if you believe. The Earth, Moon and the Stars also have a power and a purpose and they are all different in some respect. When dealing with any of these don't expect to get exactly the same results as someone else, you might but you probably won’t. What you receive is for you, what they received was for them. Have you ever been to the Redwood forest in California? Read about it in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redwood_National_and_State_Parks I have as a boy of ten "fifty six years ago" and the memory is still as strong as it was on that day. I wondered a few yards off the road and the power of the chaos overwhelmed me. I could have stayed there forever. I felt at peace and more important, I felt at home. I felt the elements of the Earth and the life of the forest. Together they sang a song I have never forgotten and set me on the path I follow today. At the end of the movie when the indigenous people brought the "Dream Walker" to real life. Was a perfect example of collective healing. They were in the same place I was when I healed my daughter. They had to: he saved them, he was their leader. Without him all they had built would fall apart. He was the thread that held the clans together. With his knowledge of what lay in their future he would have prepared them as best he could. Knowing all the time that as they progressed they would lose what had saved them. Does this sound familiar? Thomas
Thoughts of Thomas: Healing JudyIf you have been following my writing you’re aware of the healing of my daughter I described in an earlier article. I want to tell you most healings or any use of the Art is not that spectacular. What I described to you was pure emotional magic, something I have been warning you about. I didn't care what happened to anyone, the objective would be achieved. If I had known I would die or other people might die when the room went black it won't have mattered. I knew she would not be hurt again. That kind of emotion is something very rare for most rational people, but I was not rational at the time. I would achieve success and anyone or anything in my way would be removed. Most of the time the use of the Art no matter what the objective, is a well thought out process of mental preparation and procedures, designed to obtain the objective with no collateral damage. Not an out pouring of raw emotion, almost always a bad thing. I'm not a prolific healer, my healing experiences are few. They have all been people I love or people the people I love, love. I hope karma is not what we are told; because I have healed people that didn't know I was involved and some of them think it's the Devil's work I practice. I guess I'll find out someday. I would like to tell you of a healing that followed a more conventional path, and mirrors most of what you normally encounter in the practice of the Art. My daughter-in-law’s mother had a relapse of breast cancer. One breast had already been removed three years earlier and she went through the chemo, hair loses and the pain associated with the treatment. On her yearly checkup they found five tumors in her other breast. The Doctor believed most to be cancerous. When my daughter-in-law told my wife and I, as you would expect we were very upset. My first thought was if it has came back in her other breast, has it spread? Over the next two weeks we got updates on how she was dealing with her problem. It was a week before the biopsy when my daughter-in-law came over to give us the latest update on her mother. Then the conversation turned to women stuff, kids, what to wear to work. That's when I tuned out and went about me business. I know I'm a chauvinist but I'm working on it slowly. When she started to leave she turned to me and said will you do whatever it is you do to help her. I looked her in the eyes, the pain and helplessness I saw their touched something deep inside of me. Now these are good God-fearing people and she's asking me to use powers they would never approve of in any way for anything. So I asked her "did your mother ask for my help", I wanted an out. Not because I didn't want to help. I didn't want to interfere with their belief system. She looked me in the eye and said "No" but she asks me to tell everyone to pray for her and we all pray in our own way. All exits closed, she was asking me to save her mother and she believed I could. Just like when my wife said "fix it". What do you do next… you find a way. I should tell you more about her, so you can understand the emotional ties I used to bring about her healing. She's not only my daughter-in-law’s mother; she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. She only sees the good in people, always giving the benefit of the doubt. Even when there is no doubt. She hurts no one and loves unconditionally. Rare in the world we live in. The next day was spent thinking about the problem. I finally decided on “Sympathetic Magic,” one of the oldest and simplest forms of magic. Sympathetic magic is famous for the infamous Voodoo Dolls but there is much more to it. The image or a piece (hair, fingernail) of someone can be used in a number of ways for good or ill. Sympathetic magic has been with us for thousands of years. The first record of it comes from ancient Egypt. It more than likely started around camp fires in the distant past. Shamans might have wanted a piece of their enemies, so they could curse them. Just a thought. That evening I asked my daughter-in-law to email me any pictures she had of her mother. She sent me three nice pictures of her mother. I printed them out and cut everything else out, leaving only her image. These I placed in prominent places in the house where I would see them as I went about my daily business. A constant reminder of her plight and of what I needed to do. This worked so well I was sure of success, I could feel it in the core of my being. That evening I told my daughter in law I was not going to remove the cancer from the tumors I was going to remove the tumors. To this day I don't know why I said that. It's not like me to boast, or make predictions. The next night at twelve I started my ritual. After placing the appropriate colored candle in each of the standing stones (you do remember I have a Henge in my backyard, I invoked the four elements and then the Supreme Power. As the power filled me I felt at one with the Cosmos. Any and everything was within my grasp. That feeling is one of many reason I practice magic and why I fear it, for you can get lost in the power if you don't keep control. Then I started my spell, what I wanted (her healed) and the historiola, the outcome I sought (the tumors gone). The next second it was gone. I was empty not drained, just empty. I knew then it had worked, it always takes everything with it when it goes. All this happened in a matter of seconds. Magic doesn't take long. What takes time is the thought and preparation to achieve the desired results. Then I burnt the picture of her I had brought with me into the circle. This symbolic act signified I was no longer in charge. She was given to the spirit world (to her God). As you might guess the next mammogram she had only two lumps and their biopsy showed no cancer. We all thanked God for the mercy that was shown to her. Whose prayers were responsible? There's no way to know. I claim neither success nor failure that is unknowable. I can only tell you what happened to me. I can tell you this, what I wanted to happen happened, whether it was me or someone else, it doesn't matter. The outcome was achieved. I will speak about another healing at a later date. It was quite different in all respects. I'm not sure it is as much about healing, as it is about my survival. Thomas
Thoughts of Thomas: Healing of CarolynI am telling you this particular story because it is one of the most unusual if not bizarre experiences I have ever had. Most healings are more or less a straight forward experience. You feel the calling before or after you are asked, you find the method and obtain the objective. I am not saying all healing or anything you do when dealing with The Art is scripted. All are unique but similar at the same time; there is a building of emotion, the release of energy and the satisfaction of knowing you achieved the objective. This was more like a roller coaster than a bullet train. There were ups and downs, rights and lefts, with no end in sight. This all started one night about three years ago. I woke up for no apparent reason with two men standing on the other side of the bed. They were dressed in sixteenth or seventeenth century garments with the backdrop of a pub or an inn. They were talking to me but I couldn't hear them. After rubbing and blinking my eyes to make sure I was awake I sat back to see what would unfold. The conversation continued for a minute or two and was quite heated, and then it vanished. I didn't then and don't now have a clue who they were or what they wanted or if they were related to what happened next. But it was the beginning of a very unusual time in my life that evolved over the next few months. This is the frustrating part of practicing The Art. You get these types of seemingly random experiences that offer you no clue of their purpose. All you can do is file them away for future reference. It was less than a week before I was again awakened in the middle of the night, this time it was my sister. She was standing in the same place the men were but there was no backdrop, just the bedroom wall and dresser. She was dressed in her wedding dress and looked like something out of a bad sci-fi movie. She was part flesh and part skeleton with just enough flesh to recognize who she was. She was saying something but as usual I could hear nothing. She reached out her right hand to me and vanished. My sister was a different matter. I knew of her heart condition. I knew of the numerous times she had been hospitalized over the past thirty years because of it. It was always the same. She would get sick, go to the Hospital, her heart would stop, then start back up. All the Doctors would be puzzled because they didn't have a clue as to why her heart stopped or started seemingly on its own. In a few days she would get better and be sent home. Only to be repeated a few years later. What made this time different was her spirit had never come to me before, not to mention her appearance was quite unsettling and she wasn't sick as far as I knew. So told my wife of the two experiences and asked what she thought. Like me she could see no sense in the first experience and thought I should talk to my sister about the second one. That was what I knew I should do but I preferred not to and was hoping for a different answer. For you to know why I was reluctant to talk to my sister I need to explain our relationship. We both have the power but she treats it as she would a viper in the pocket. Every time it moves, she freezes up and believes the Devil is about to steal her soul. This eliminates any chance of a rational discussion on matters of The Art and I know what her reaction would be. With on other recourse I went to the phone to call her but before I picked it up it started to ring. It was my sister, she said she thought she was having a heart attack and wanted my wife and me to come over and bring my blood pressure medicine. We got the medicine, jumped in the car and were there in less than ten minutes. Her husband was driving a truck interstate and could not be home until sometime tomorrow. When we arrived she was sitting in the Living Room and looked like death warmed over (an old phase for a very sick person). I immediately went to her, holding my hands about three to four inches from her body, I moved them down her body. The power was flowing out of my hands at such a rate it was almost painful. Half way down her body I must have awakened the viper in her pocket because she pushed me away. A fact she denies to this day ever happened. To say I was not hurt would be a lie. To say I didn't expect it would also be a lie, but it was still hard to take. I sat down beside her and watched the color come back to her, and then I knew she hadn't stopped me too soon. She asks me if I had brought the blood pressure medicine, I said I had and gave her one. She nibbled on one, maybe twice as much as a good lick, and said "I feel a lot better now." We stayed for an hour or so before leaving at her insistence. She said she was fine, and she expected her husband home tomorrow. It was a week or so before I gathered enough courage to call my sister about the visions and be told I was going to Hell. When I called her she listened to what I had to say and her response was as I predicted. According to her the first apparitions was kindred spirits of the Devil sent to confuse me. She was right on one point I was definitely confused, but what I want to know is what was I supposed to be confused about. It pertained to nothing I have ever done in the past, or present. I'm still confused unless it was sent to make me think the second one was also a senseless apparition. So I would take no action to prevent whatever was coming. If that was the purpose the Devil is dumb and I don't believe that at all. He has gone toe to toe with the best and won his share. So I guess I'm still confused about why it happened. Her answer about her apparition was "It would be like her husband to bury her in her wedding dress" and saw no connection between my vision and what happened to her a week or so earlier. To me that didn't make sense why would I see what her husband might do. To me it was a clear sign of a future possibility. Then came the fire and brimstone I was headed for if I didn't change my ways. It's always nice hearing you're going to Hell for trying to help someone, especially from the one you're trying to help. I was hurt and mad; I couldn't understand why she couldn't see what was so apparent to me. Why does everything you don't understand have to be of the Devil? I've never known of the Devil helping much less healing anyone. So I wallowed in self righteousness and self pity, licked my wounded pride and wondered why the rest of the world couldn't understand me and my God-given abilities. All the time knowing people are afraid of what they don't know or can't understand and have always called it evil. What happened next was totally unexpected and something I had never experienced before or since. The exact amount of time that past between our talk and what I'm about to tell you escapes me. It could have been a week or a month. I just don't remember. I can say I wasn't over our conversation because I'm still not. Forgive and forget is not one of my strong points. I was on my way home from Oklahoma City when my brother-in-law called to say that my sister was sent to the hospital in critical condition. I told him I would be there as soon as I could. It was two or three in the afternoon before I got to the hospital. She was in bad shape but the doctors thought she had stabilized. So I went home about five or five thirty. I wanted to help but after her total rejection of my last attempt and believing in the karma thing I didn't know what to do. She obviously didn't want anything to do with my kind of healing, so what could I do? When I got home I was alone, my wife was at the nursing home with her mother that was also having a hard time, not life-threatening, but it required her presence. As I walked through the empty house all I could think about was my sister and what I should do. Should I try even though she didn't want me to or do nothing? I decided I had to try no matter what the cost. As I walked from the Dining Room to the Living Room something hit me on my right side with enough force that I had to take two steps sideways to keep from falling. I knew immediately what it was, but I didn't understand why, I had done nothing to heal my sister, or anything that should have upset something this powerful. Why was I being attacked by a malevolent minion? In this meeting, unlike the first I was not frozen in fear. I was mad that it would attack me in my home. I was not the frightened young man I was the first time I met a Demon, and I was mentally ready for whatever it did, win or lose I was not about to give over to the evil that emanates from these beings. Nor would I hide in the corner and hope for the best. I have had dealings with this type of thing before. I never seek them out; they just show up from time to time. The only words out of my mouth were "you can't have my sister" then the mental and physical fight began. Unlike most things in the Art that happens so fast sometimes you have a hard time believing it really happened, this went on for at least forty five minutes. It had little physical form it was only an increased density of the air. Like a transparent jelly fish, you had to watch it constantly to know where it was. There we were, me in the Living Room, it in the Dining Room. It pushed mentally and physically at me. I pushed back, and it quickly became a stalemate. One I knew I could not win; I was flesh and blood, it was not. It would win sooner or later, if I didn't find something to tip the balance in my favor. The first thing I thought of was a reproduction sword in the bookcase across the room, so I went for it (I think I watch too many Sci-Fi movies). It proved to be absolutely useless. I need to explain something about a spiritual weapon. You can't hurt a netherworld entity the way you can something from this plane. The weapon you choose must be significant to you and your adversary. Then I thought of my sickle. I had put time, effort and money into making it. It was something I knew would gather and hold enchanted powers for me. It had seen it, like many times before and knew my belief in it. All of this ran through my mind as I desperately sought for something that would bring this experience to a satisfactory conclusion. I grabbed the brass Druid sickle I had made from the fifteenth century wood carving. Some of you have seen a picture of it in the article "Who Am I." It is the only one in the world I know of. I carved the blank and had it cased just for me. With sickle in hand I faced my adversary and the response was what I was hoping for. It stopped its aggression as my personal power built. With sickle held before me I sent a thought to my opponent. You have faced this before, you know of it power, leave me NOW, and it left. You can never know how glad I was. I sat down on the couch and wondered what in the Hell just happened? Nothing I had done should have brought this kind of response. Was all that just happened real or did I slip over the edge? I could not think of any logical reason for what I had experienced. Thirty minutes or so later my wife came home, I asked about her mother, and then told her what happened to me. She sat there a minute and said it must have known you were going to stop it, so it came for you. Why do I have to have a God fearing Church of Christ knows to make everything clear? God truly does work in mysterious ways. Thomas, These are mind blowing. This is exactly what I want people to know about how they can be prepared to deal with evil when it appears. It will appear to steal, kill or destroy and the Power of God is so much stronger. Your getting better Thomas... really good stuff. I love this. God sezzzzz u have the humility and the graciousness and the acknowledgement of how even the Church of Christ knows that God sent to you understands the war against good and evil and Knows in her heart you have the power to battle against it and fight for your sister's body and soul on a spiritual plane of battle for healing for your sister. Evil will come. It always does. I am glad that you are writing stories and posting them here so people that respect energy and supernatural divine intercessory healing can learn about what it takes to "do battle with evil." In computer games people take it as a joke but it is intensely real, whether we want to believe it or not. That Boy Scout motto of "Be Prepared" has always rung true for me. There are times when only a ceremony of prayer as an offering to God as we know Him, in someone else's behalf for their Divine Supernatural Healing. Growing up in Church I learned that to get God to answer you prayer you had to "entreat Him" and draw Him and His love and blessings to you by worshiping Him and Praising Him, Singing for Him to Lift Him Up and He would honor that prayer for ourselves or our loved ones. For you your Healing Mission was clear and the battle you waged against evil that would attempt to destroy the very life of your sister, had to be done. I am so thankful for your commitment to the healing of Carolyn above all of her distrust and fearful rejection of your ways as evil because she has been taught against it or is somehow led to believe it is evil. It is so sad to me that what people don't understand they fear and it stops them from receiving full blessings of God if they are willing to go to the limit to steal good health and extended life back from evil. For people like Carolyn and I was taught that way although I never believed it for myself but I do understand how people are led to distrust everything and blame it on the devil and anyone that believed differently than they themselves. What if they were wrong and we are right. It is just too much of a stretch for them to consider when they believe anything different from their beliefs could NOT be of any good and they are from the only right and true God religion. I went to church there with that belief as a child and later found it in my church as an adult. Again I understand it but I just pray that God will reveal to those that fear the imagined "evil" of how we seek God when we need a desperate healing for a loved one, and realize that it is just a ceremony of prayer to the Most High Creator God Jehovah and it may or may not come with a Spiritual Battle with Evil. When things are of such a high risk loss intensity as in your sister's imminent loss of life you were not prepared to give her up no matter what it further cost you emotionally between the two of you with pain and heartaches caused by misunderstanding the Holy Spirit's work at intense times of Spiritual Warfare and how we may have to do battle against that evil that confronts us each and every day, whether we want it or not. Thomas I appreciate, respect and admire your honesty, and forthrightness in explaining in such personal, emotionally painful feelings of rejection and how still you pressed on just for the healing of your sister that you love so dearly. It is not a mystery to me why Carolyn was granted a reprieve by God at that moment. We never know how long that reprieve may be but some go for decades longer. Matters not, only that at the very moment we are seeking God, should evil attack, we are literally ready, willing and able to do battle for the sake of the love of the life and love of our loved ones as you did for the love of your precious sister. If I said any of this wrong or offended you in anyway, please correct me. I am just so glad to have your thoughts, deeds, and experiences available for people to read and know of as they learn about "Other Energy Fields of Darkness" along with the "Beams of Light that Illuminate the Healing." It is my belief that people that understand the flow of the Ch'i, the Cosmic Breath of God that brings healing, miracles and renewal of our body, soul, mind and finances, and are actively seeking it should KNOW ABOUT THESE BATTLES OF EVIL THAT COME AGAINST US AND BE PREPARED. Thank you so much for sharing this and all of your articles with us from Thomas' Corner. Respectfully, Alex Shaw Thomas Walk in the "Light" Avoid the "Shadows"
Thoughts of Thomas: Druids and HengeYou have probably heard from all the academics that because the Henge builders and the Celts were separated by hundreds of years there was no interaction between the Druids and the Henge. Celtic Druidism was a religion of the Oak and according to most historians their ceremonies' were held in sacred groves. There is no evidence they ever used the circles much less the Henge in any of their religious practice. While this is undoubtedly true, this proves nothing. I don't know of a single person that was there to confirm their theory. Unfortunately there's no one to disprove it either. I believe they not only used the Henges but the Circles as well in the practice of their religion. No doubt they preferred a natural surrounding like an Oak Grove, a natural lake or cave for most of their religious ceremonies but to think they would completely discount these points of power seems unrealistic to me. Their takeover of the British Iles didn't happen over night, so they had years to find out the purpose of the Henge. As for the stone circles they had lived with them for years in Europe, before entering Britain. This line of thinking still doesn't prove they ever used the circles much less the Henge but it does raise the possibility that they did. Its purpose was not unknown to them and both people revered their ancestors. Does it matter to me that my ancestors might not have used the Henge and I do. Not in the least, I just wanted to put before you a different perspective. A little something to think about before you discount my ancient connection to the Henge, as a few Henge purists have suggested. I didn't claim the Henge by ancestral right, it claimed me. It haunted me until I built one. Now it influences my life almost daily. When things are bad I run to it as a child would their mother. When times are good I just enjoy it being there. To think the Druids thought the Henge was just another pile of rocks is truly absurd. Today people come from all over the world to see the Henge and thousands gather before dawn for the Solstice. I doubt any of them have a drop of ancient British blood but still they are drawn to that place. Remember the old adage "build it and they will come" and they have come for thousands of years. Not only to Stone Henge but the stone circles as well, that dot the landscape of Europe and the Middle East. We don't use them now but we are still drawn to them. Even though we're unsure of their original purpose. Most archaeologists and I believe they were used as observatories to calculate the passing of time. That was an undoable part of their function but when you stand in one you realize there is more to them. They are much more than just an ancient clock, they are a point of power. Anyone that has visited an ancient site will tell you there is something unexplainable about them. They speak to everyone on some level and to the gifted the call of the ancestors can be very powerful. A few years ago my wife and I went to Cancun Mexico on vacation or holiday and while we were there we took a side trip to Chunyaxch'e, one of the great cities of the Mayan civilization. I walked the ball court, climbed the snake pyramid and stood on the edge of the sacrificial aquifer. It was a very inspiring experience. Would I use that place to practice my faith. Probably not. This in no way diminishes the power you feel as you walk this ancient city. Why I would not chose any of these sites is their practice of human sacrifice. It was a major part of their religion. While I can feel their power, it doesn't speak to me. I would not feel comfortable performing any ritual in a place that took so many of what I revere most, Human life. I understand the reasoning they must have used, that the ultimate sacrifice would give the ultimate gain. But understanding something and accepting it are two very different things. Human sacrifice was a part of many ancient religions but this practice, in my opinion brought down the old Gods . To sacrifice your own kind is to spite the eye of your Creator, and yes, I believe in a Creator. To believe in the oneness of everything is to believe in a Creator. If we all evolved on our own there is no oneness. By now you must have thought I've lost my train of thought and I'm ranting about things that have nothing to do with Druids and their use of the Henge. What I'm trying to show you is that two philosophically opposed religions would never use the sacred places of the other. They would raze them to their foundations, to build their own place of worship on the foundation of the old. But this did not exist in Europe at that time or today. At that time they were all Pagans, today they are Christians. Before we go any further we must deal with the fact that the Druids supposedly practiced human sacrifice and how I reconcile my feelings about the two, Druids versus the Mayan, first I'm neither. I also don't subscribe to any ancient religion. What records we have of human sacrifice mostly come from Caesar's accounts of his campaign in Gale and they seemed to pertain more to capital punishment than sacrifice. While the Henge has no historical evidence it was ever used as a sacrificial site, to the contrary it was built to honor their ancestors. The Druids undoubtedly used the wild places for most of their ceremonies. It seems inconceivable to me they would not use what the ancient Brit's left them, to honor their ancestors. It all comes down to the ultimate truth, no one knows and probably never will. What I know is the Henge gives me peace and power, while the other gives me power and pause, for I sense the dark side in these places. More than likely none of my ancestors ever worshiped at Stone Henge, but they did worship at the circles. They in all probability didn't know of its existence but I do. Thomas
Thoughts of Thomas: About ElementsElements are made up of layers of minions just as the angels and demons, each one supports the whole. The best way I can explain the place of Elements in the grand scheme of things, is to use the analogy of a High School Football Game. Angels and Demons are the opposing players, each one is trying to defeat the player in front of him and the team as a whole. The Elements are like the Bands, they want their side to win. But are more concerned about their performance on the field than who wins. Some Elements are good, some are bad (not evil) and most are somewhere in the middle. All the above seem to want our attention, some want our affection and love while others seek control and dominance. It's up to you which team fits into each category. That leaves us with the Band, the Band doesn't fit totally into either love or dominance. It has been my experience that what the Elements, like the Band, wants more than anything, is the acceptance of the crowd. You can love them or fear them, it doesn't matter as long as you accept them. They don't want your soul or first born, (most of the time) or your undying love and devotion, they only want acceptance. All that you need to draw the Elements is to show the proper respect. Remember respect and reverence are two different things. You accomplish this by putting their sign in the proper direction and using the proper colors according to your system. Above all you must take care of your sacred place be it an altar, flower bed, circle or a small place in your closet. In the Art size doesn't matter, not like other endeavors. In the pursuit of The Art you only need to do the best you can. We all can't have a Henge in your back yard. The act of keeping your sacred place clean and orderly is a sign of respect. We should pause a moment and discuss all the systems that exist. Almost every culture has its on system. They all recognize the four directions but the colors and apparitions will be different. So it's up to you to pick the system that fits you. We should address the appearance of the apparition. These creatures are of the Nether World. To bring one to physical form is not an easy thing and is very rare. Their appearances are determined by your expectations. If you think they are a Fairy they appear as a Fairy. These entities have been here since creation. What we perceive them to be is only a figment of our imagination, based on folklore. Their real identity is unknown. They are creatures that become whatever that culture want them to be. I find it highly improbable Neolithic man believed in Fairies. Most of the time you only feel their presence. Each Element has a very distinctive presence. Your Element will always speak more forcefully to you than the others but they all give you something. In my system East is a blue circle, South is a red triangle, West a silver crescent and North a yellow square. The colors I use to attract them are different except for south, East is yellow, South is red, West is blue and North is green. What system you use is up to you. If the system speaks to you it will work for you. The extent that it works is dependent on how much you believe in it. To become a practitioner of The Art you must master two things: the belief in your system and more importantly the belief in yourself. You can change your system but you can't change who you are. If you don't believe totally in yourself you are following a fool's dream. If you think this is a game to amuse your friends, you are more than a fool, you are dangerous to yourself and your companions. You don't practice The Art, you live it, it becomes a part of you. Do you practice your religion only on your Holy day to look good at your place of worship , or do you live it everyday? The Art is no different. Thomas
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